
Ministerial Question Time

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Ministerial Question Time

Question time gives members of the House of Commons and Lords the chance to question the government and hold ministers to account for their department’s actions.

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Minister's questions

  • Minister’s questions take place for an hour every day in parliament.
  • Ministers must attend and answer questions about their department put forward by other MPs.
  • Minister’s questions ensure that ministers are fully aware of their department’s work and acting in the interests of UK citizens.
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Prime Minister's questions

  • Prime Minister’s questions takes place every Wednesday for 30 minutes.
  • MPs question the Prime Minister on issues which they must answer.
  • The opposition leader will ask six questions of the Prime Minister, and then other MPs from all parties can ask follow up questions.
  • Prime Minister’s questions is an important way of scrutinising the government and receiving direct answers.
  • The PM does not know questions in advance and so must be briefed in detail on major issues in the public interest.
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Nature of Prime Minister's questions

  • Prime Minister’s questions is often unruly and is arguably more about political point scoring than effective scrutiny of the Prime Minister and government.
    • Prime Minister’s questions has been named ‘Punch and Judy’ politics because it becomes a shouting match between politicians in front of the media.
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Nature of Prime Minister's questions 2

  • MPs from the government’s party will ask the Prime Minister planted questions to make the government and the PM appear strong in front of voters.
    • PM David Cameron’s aides sent emails round to Conservative MPs suggesting questions for them to ask at Prime Minister’s Questions including on the benefits of the government’s economic policies.

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1Democracy & Participation

2Political Parties

3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




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9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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