
Judicial Interpretation

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Judicial Interpretation

Judges with a living constitution approach view the constitution as flexible and adaptable to change in society, whilst originalism views the constitution in a literal way which cannot be interpreted.

Illustrative background for Living constitutionIllustrative background for Living constitution ?? "content

Living constitution

  • Society has changed over time and so the constitution must be adapted to modern values.
  • The constitution was written broadly so that it could evolve, which is what the living constitution approach does.
Illustrative background for OriginalismIllustrative background for Originalism ?? "content


  • The constitution should remain unchanged because its meaning does not change over time.
  • Any changes to the constitution should be made by amendments, not judges.
  • Originalism prevents unelected judges making decisions reflecting their own beliefs without being held to account.
  • Judges with a living constitution approach make laws and give the Supreme Court a legislative role which it should not have.
  • Originalism means the court’s decisions will be more stable.

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