
Role of the Prime Minister

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Role of the Prime Minister

The prime minister has many roles including as head of the government and their party, national policy maker, government’s main spokesperson, key national decision maker, foreign policymaker and head of the armed forces.

Illustrative background for Government headIllustrative background for Government head ?? "content

Government head

  • The prime minister is head of the government and responsible for the work of all government departments.
  • As government head, the prime minister creates new departments and government roles, chairs cabinet meetings, decides who is on the cabinet committees, appoints government ministers and is head of the Civil Service.
  • The prime minister is responsible for the government’s policy agenda and sets national policy.
  • The prime minister decides which policies should be a priority for the government.
Illustrative background for Party headIllustrative background for Party head ?? "content

Party head

  • The prime minister is their political party’s leader and is elected by party members and party MPs to the position.
  • As party leader, the prime minister must keep the party united, successfully lead their party in elections, decide party policy and speak at the party conference to party members.
Illustrative background for Decision makerIllustrative background for Decision maker ?? "content

Decision maker

  • The prime minister makes key decisions which are in the UK’s national security interests, often in times of crisis.
  • The prime minister chairs the National Security Council’s weekly meetings which consider the UK’s most important national security issues.
  • The prime Minister responds to national and international crises which affect the UK.
    • In 2017 Theresa May chaired a Cobra committee meeting following an attempted terrorist attack on a London Underground train.
Illustrative background for International leadershipIllustrative background for International leadership ?? "content

International leadership

  • The prime minister as commander-in-chief decides whether to deploy British armed forces to any foreign intervention or war.
  • The prime minister is involved in overseas engagements, attending international conferences, visiting other countries and working with other state leaders to make international policy.
    • Theresa May became prime minister in 2017 and visited over 30 countries.
    • In 2015 David Cameron attended the COP21 conference to negotiate the Paris Agreement on reducing climate change.
Illustrative background for Parliament roleIllustrative background for Parliament role ?? "content

Parliament role

  • The prime minister leads parliament as the leader of the House of Commons’ largest party.
  • As leader of the largest party, the prime minister leads their party in parliamentary questioning and in debates.
  • The prime minister organises their party’s majority in parliament to ensure that parliament will pass government policies into law.
Illustrative background for Chief CommunicatorIllustrative background for Chief Communicator ?? "content

Chief Communicator

  • The prime minister communicates with the media and the public on government policy or to explain any issues or decisions of public importance.
  • The prime minister communicates with the media in times of crisis to provide citizens with information.
  • The prime minister seeks to manage the media through the Prime Minister’s Press Office which communicates a positive image of them and the government to the public.

Jump to other topics

1Democracy & Participation

2Political Parties

3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




8The UK Constitution

9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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