
Devolution in England & Scotland

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Devolution in England

Devolution refers to the divisions of powers among regions of the UK whilst supreme legal power remains in parliament in Westminster. There has been devolution of powers to regions and cities in England.

Illustrative background for English votes for English lawsIllustrative background for English votes for English laws ?? "content

English votes for English laws

  • In 2015 English votes for English laws (EVEL) was introduced to address the issue of MPs representing Scotland being able to vote on issues which only affected England and Wales, or only England.
  • EVEL means that certain parliamentary votes can only be attended by MPs from England or England and Wales.
  • EVEL applies to votes in areas of education, criminal and health law.
Illustrative background for Decentralisation of powers to citiesIllustrative background for Decentralisation of powers to cities ?? "content

Decentralisation of powers to cities

  • Devolution of powers to cities is a form of devolution in England.
  • These powers include granting some city mayors with more financial powers and control over their own city budget.
  • These powers also include being able to keep revenue from business rates, which are local taxes on commercial businesses, so that they can be invested in city projects.
    • Devolution deals have involved Manchester, Cornwall, Liverpool, Yorkshire, the West Midlands and North of Tyne.

Scottish Parliament and Government

Scottish devolution has taken place primarily as a result of the 1998 Scotland Act and 2016 Scotland Act.

Illustrative background for Scotland Act 1998Illustrative background for Scotland Act 1998 ?? "content

Scotland Act 1998

  • The Scotland Act was passed following a referendum which voted in favour of devolution to Scotland.
  • The Act established a Scottish Parliament which had powers of its own over education, policing, criminal and civil law, the health service, public transport and to vary the rate of income tax.
Illustrative background for Scottish Parliament Illustrative background for Scottish Parliament  ?? "content

Scottish Parliament

  • The Scottish Parliament held its first elections in 1999.
  • The Scottish Parliament used an additional member system (AMS) for voting members to the parliament.
  • The Scottish government was formed by the largest party in parliament or a coalition of parties.
Illustrative background for Scotland Act 2016Illustrative background for Scotland Act 2016 ?? "content

Scotland Act 2016

  • The 2016 Scotland Act was Scotland’s second stage of devolution and was a result of the wish among Scottish citizens for a greater devolution of powers.
    • The wish for more devolution was clear following the Scottish independence referendum in 2014, which despite voting against independence showed people wanted more devolution.
Illustrative background for Powers transferred to ScotlandIllustrative background for Powers transferred to Scotland ?? "content

Powers transferred to Scotland

  • Powers were transferred to Scotland over tax including income tax rates, some business tax and control over half of VAT receipts.
  • Other powers devolved included the regulation of the energy industry, control over welfare services, air passenger duty and widening of the areas where Scottish Parliament could pass laws.

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