
Sources of the UK Constitution

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Sources of the UK Constitution

There are 5 main sources of the constitution. These are statute law, common law, conventions, authoritative works, and treaties (including EU Law).

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Statute law

  • Statute law is all legislation created by parliament.
  • Not all laws are considered constitutional – only those that deal with the nature of politics and government or the rights of citizens.
  • Statute law is the most important source of the constitution due to the principle of parliamentary sovereignty. All other sources can be overridden by statute law.
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Examples of statute law

  • For example, the 2005 Constitutional Reform Act created a separate Supreme Court.
    • The 1918 Representation of the People Act which allowed all men and some women to vote.
Illustrative background for Common lawIllustrative background for Common law ?? "content

Common law

  • Common Law is made up of customs and judicial precedent (when judicial decisions clarify the meaning of statute or make rulings in the absence of statute).
  • A lot of constitutional principles, such as the Royal Prerogative are a part of common law.
Illustrative background for ConventionsIllustrative background for Conventions ?? "content


  • Conventions are customs and practices that are accepted as the way of doing things.
  • An example is the convention that the Prime Minister is the leader of the largest party in parliament.
  • Conventions can be removed or made permanent by statute law.
  • The 2011 Fixed Term Parliaments Act put into statute law the convention that the Government should resign if it is defeated in a vote of no confidence.
Illustrative background for Authoritative worksIllustrative background for Authoritative works ?? "content

Authoritative works

  • Authoritative works, such as Walter Bagehot’s ‘The English Constitution’ are books or written guides to the working of the UK constitution.
  • Although they are widely respected, they are not legally binding.
Illustrative background for TreatiesIllustrative background for Treaties ?? "content


  • Treaties are agreements signed with other countries.
  • The most important treaties affecting the UK constitution are the treaty that entered Britain into the EEC in 1972 and the Maastricht Treaty (1992) which established the European Union.
  • The UK government recently negotiated a new treaty that allowed the UK to leave the EU (Brexit).

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