
Interest Group Influence & Impact on Democracy

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Interest Group Influence on the Branches of Government

Interest groups aim to influence the three branches of government: the executive, legislature and judiciary.

Illustrative background for Executive Illustrative background for Executive  ?? "content


  • Pressure groups aim to have a strong relationship with the executive, including government departments and agencies.
  • Pressure groups seek to influence the government’s regulatory work which impacts on the group’s interests, including regulations over business transport and the environment.
Illustrative background for Legislature: lobbyingIllustrative background for Legislature: lobbying ?? "content

Legislature: lobbying

  • Pressure groups aim to influence how members of Congress vote on issues.
  • Pressure groups lobby politicians and committees in Congress directly contacting them to influence ongoing legislation.
    • Lobbyists can build strong working relationships with committee members as congressional committees are small.
    • The NRA lobbied Congress politicians over the 1993 Brady Bill and to vote against laws requiring more background checks on gun buyers.
Illustrative background for Legislature: voting recordsIllustrative background for Legislature: voting records ?? "content

Legislature: voting records

  • Pressure groups look to influence the way Congress votes by publicising politician’s voting records on issues.
    • The NRA publishes how members of the House and Senate have voted on gun reform legislation, and chooses to endorse those who regularly oppose stricter gun laws.
Illustrative background for JudiciaryIllustrative background for Judiciary ?? "content


  • Pressure groups actively support or oppose nominations to the Supreme Court depending on the judge's stance on key issues.
  • Pressure groups aim to influence the Supreme Court by offering amicus curiae briefings to the court where they present their views on certain issues.
    • The NRA played an important role in the 2008 District of Columbia v Heller case which ruled against bans on handguns.
    • The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) brought a case themselves to court in the 2005 McCreary v ACLU case.

Interest Groups and Democracy

Interest groups have an important role in American democracy, however, the significant power of pressure groups arguably undermines democracy.

Illustrative background for Interest groups are democraticIllustrative background for Interest groups are democratic ?? "content

Interest groups are democratic

  • Interest groups provide important information to lawmakers, including the government and members of Congress, to assist with formulating public policy.
  • Interest groups offer the chance for political participation in American politics in between elections.
  • Interest groups represent the views of minority groups in American society who are not as well represented by political parties.
    • The American Association of Retired Persons represents the interests of people aged over 50.
Illustrative background for Interests groups undermine democracyIllustrative background for Interests groups undermine democracy ?? "content

Interests groups undermine democracy

  • Interests groups undermine democracy by supporting the interests of a small group over the national interest such as the National Association for Hispanic Health.
  • There are inequalities of power in policy debates on some issues such as gun control and health care, with some pressure groups more powerful than others.
    • The NRA is a more powerful pressure group in favour of guns than the Handgun Control Inc. who want more gun controls.
  • Interest groups are often elitist and unaccountable.
Illustrative background for Not democratic: direct actionIllustrative background for Not democratic: direct action ?? "content

Not democratic: direct action

  • Interest groups can use direct action as a protest method, which can be violent.
    • Black Lives Matter protests in St Louis were violent after a court acquitted a police officer over the shooting of a black citizen.

Jump to other topics

1Democracy & Participation

2Political Parties

3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




8The UK Constitution

9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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