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Paternalism is linked to ideas of tradition and hierarchy - there are natural inequalities in society and some members of society should lead others.

Illustrative background for Paternalism Illustrative background for Paternalism  ?? "content


  • Paternalism believes that some members of society should lead others and it is these people who have obligations to those below them to look after their best interests.
  • Conservatives believe in human imperfection, which justifies paternalism.
    • Humans may not always make the best choices for themselves, therefore it is acceptable to act on behalf of other people.
  • Conservatives tend to support the ‘trustee’ model of representation in parliament, rather than the ‘delegate’.
Illustrative background for Traditional paternalismIllustrative background for Traditional paternalism ?? "content

Traditional paternalism

  • Traditional conservatism takes a forceful and authoritarian approach to paternalism.
  • Traditional paternalism is the idea that the state knows best and therefore everyone has to do as the state says.
Illustrative background for One nation conservatismIllustrative background for One nation conservatism ?? "content

One nation conservatism

  • Benjamin Disraeli’s one nation conservatism had strong paternalist ideas.
    • This conservative ideology argued that there should be social classes, and the upper classes should look after the working classes.
  • The paternalism of one-nation conservatism has roots in the idea of noblesse oblige - the obligation of the aristocracy and upper classes to look after the working classes and less fortunate.
Illustrative background for Neo-feudalismIllustrative background for Neo-feudalism ?? "content


  • Disraeli and Edmund Burke introduced the concept of ‘neo-feudalism’ which argued for class structures.
    • The working classes produced goods.
    • The middle classes earned money and so if they were in power could have conflicts of interest.
    • The upper classes should rule because they had the time and money to already, their ancestors had been in power so they had historical knowledge and were able to rule ‘dispassionately’ (without self-interest).
Illustrative background for Rejection by New RightIllustrative background for Rejection by New Right ?? "content

Rejection by New Right

  • New Right conservatism, for example under Thatcher, rejected many paternalist ideas - instead there was a focus on individualism.
  • The individual had a responsibility to look after themselves and their family.
  • Thatcher rejected paternalist ideas of the establishment looking after the working classes by cutting social security such as state pensions.

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1Democracy & Participation

2Political Parties

3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




8The UK Constitution

9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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