
Civic & Ethnic Nationalism

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Civic Nationalism

Civic nationalism is the idea that a nation is comprised of those who subscribe to its values regardless of factors like ethnicity or religion.

Illustrative background for Civic values Illustrative background for Civic values  ?? "content

Civic values

  • The citizens of the nation, through their common values, form a coherent political community.
  • The nation is held together by a common history. Key historical moments, like war victories, are remembered and celebrated.
  • Countries like the United States (Independence Day) and Canada (Canada Day) celebrate national days which energise citizens behind common symbols such as flags, food, music and rituals.
Illustrative background for Examples of civic nationalism Illustrative background for Examples of civic nationalism  ?? "content

Examples of civic nationalism

  • Anyone who commits to these values can become a member of the nation through an established route like a citizenship process.
  • Most Western nations, such as Britain and the US, are civic in character. Britain, for example, allows immigrants to become citizens by living in the country for a prescribed period.
  • Tolerance is a key part of civic nations. Citizens are taught to respect, embrace and encourage diversity and difference.
Illustrative background for Civic nationalism and multiculturalism Illustrative background for Civic nationalism and multiculturalism  ?? "content

Civic nationalism and multiculturalism

  • Civic nationalism does not require a common culture. Civic nations only expect citizens to subscribe to the common good of the nation. Multiculturalism, where civic nations accept cultural differences such as religion and language, has been at the forefront of civic nations since the 1970s.
  • The growth of multiculturalism has challenged civic nations and their common values have come under strain. In Britain, for example, the government issued a list of ‘Fundamental British Values’ which schools have a legal duty to promote.

Ethnic Nationalism

Unlike liberal nationalism, where anyone can gain membership, lineage from a common ethnic ancestry is central to the nation in ethnic nationalism.

Illustrative background for Exclusivity and ethnicity  Illustrative background for Exclusivity and ethnicity   ?? "content

Exclusivity and ethnicity

  • Blood ties amongst the citizens are the central bond of the nation.
  • Factors like a shared faith and/or language are important cultural factors of an ethnic nation.
  • A country formed around the ethnic people is necessary and desirable.
  • Due to the prevalence of ancestry and blood ties, it is difficult, if not impossible, to become a member of the nation unless one is born into it.
  • Ethnic nations can, therefore, have a degree of exclusivity (as opposed to the inclusivity of civic nationalism).
Illustrative background for Ethnic nationalism and conflict Illustrative background for Ethnic nationalism and conflict  ?? "content

Ethnic nationalism and conflict

  • Forms of ethnic nationalism have been at the forefront of conflict between nations and peoples within nations.
  • For example, the wars within the former Yugoslavia were ethnic conflicts as Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and Kosovans fought over independence and territory.
Illustrative background for Conflict continued Illustrative background for Conflict continued  ?? "content

Conflict continued

  • The division of Europe after the First and Second World Wars had a strong ethnic dimension as borders were redrawn to create new countries.
  • Ethnic conflict has, however, been a feature of European history as certain ethnic peoples sought self-determination and independence; for example, Kosovo.
  • Some ethnic peoples still lack their own nation-state (country). Ethnic Kurds, for example, talk about ‘Kurdistan,’ which is territory occupied by ethnic Kurds within the nation-states of Iran, Syria, Turkey and Iraq.

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