
Supreme Court

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Supreme Courts: Composition and Basis of Powers

The Supreme Court was created by the US Constitution whilst the UK Supreme Court was formed in 2009 to replace the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords.

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  • The US Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges who must be nominated by the president and confirmed by a Senate vote.
    • US Supreme Court justices serve for life.
  • The UK Supreme Court is made up of 12 judges who are appointed by the Judicial Appointments Commission.
    • UK Supreme Court judges retire at 70 if appointed after 1995, and 75 if appointed before.
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Basis of Powers: US

  • The US Supreme Court’s main power is judicial review, which is the power to declare acts by the executive or Congress as unconstitutional.
    • Judicial review is not in the Constitution and was granted to the court by itself in the 1803 Marbury v Madison case.
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Basis of Powers: UK

  • The UK Supreme Court’s powers include defending the rights and liberties of UK citizens, being the UK’s final court of appeal on issues of public significance and arguable points of law and interpreting statute law.
    • The UK Supreme Court makes rulings based on the principles of judicial review (ultra vires), natural justice and precedent from past rulings.
    • The UK Supreme Court uses the Human Rights Act (1998) to protect UK citizens’ rights.
    • The UK Supreme Court protects EU laws outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Supreme Court Powers

The UK and US supreme courts have different powers.

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US Supreme Court

  • The US Supreme Court rules on the Constitution’s meaning in its decisions.
    • Loose constructionist judges view the Constitution as a document that should adapt to changes in modern society.
    • Strict constructionist judges have a strict interpretation of the Constitution and look at the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote it.
  • The US Supreme Court is the final court of appeal for federal and state cases.
  • The US Supreme Court uses its judicial review power to rule laws and actions of the executive and legislature as unconstitutional.
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UK Supreme Court

  • The UK Supreme Court interprets Parliament’s laws but cannot overrule Acts of Parliament.
  • The UK Supreme Court rules on whether the actions of ministers are ultra vires.
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Similar powers

  • The US and UK Supreme Court’s both have power over the executive branch of government.
    • The US Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule executive actions as unconstitutional.
    • The UK Supreme Court can rule ministers actions as ultra vires, meaning they have acted beyond their legal authority.
  • Neither courts have the ability to make legislation.

Jump to other topics

1Democracy & Participation

2Political Parties

3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




8The UK Constitution

9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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