
One-Nation Conservatism

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One-Nation Conservatism

One-nation conservatism emerged in the UK as a result of capitalism and the industrial revolution.

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One-nation conservatism

  • One-nation conservatism is the idea of government in the interests of all.
  • The Conservative Party changed to make sure that they remained in power by appealing to working-class voters across the UK, rather than only appealing to and taking care of the interests of the landed, wealthy elite.
  • One-nation conservatism is centred around the ideas of noblesse oblige (privilege entails responsibility), change to conserve, and supporting the working classes.
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Noblesse oblige

  • Noblesse oblige is a French term which is taken to mean the obligation the rich, well-off and high-status people in society have to help those less fortunate than themselves.
  • Noblesse oblige is closely associated with one nation conservatism and in the present day with ‘compassionate conservatism’.
  • It is the idea that people of these high social positions should use the power that they have from these positions to help others.
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Nobless oblige and conservatives

  • Conservatives believe in hierarchy and natural inequalities - and so there will always be people of a higher status and people of a lower status.
  • People of a high status have an obligation to help others.
  • Noblesse oblige reinforces the idea that there should be a ruling elite.
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Examples of noblesse oblige

  • David Cameron promised to scrap taxes for people earning the minimum wage in 2014.
    • This is an example of the privileged in society (leadership, members of parliament) using their power to help the poorest in society.

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