
Campaigns for Suffrage

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Women's Suffrage in the UK

The women's suffrage campaign was important and changed lots of attitudes in UK politics. The women's campaign brought the question of suffrage to the table before the First World War.

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  • Suffragettes such as the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) used direct action and militant methods to show the urgency of women’s suffrage.
    • Militant methods included setting fire to buildings, attacking post boxes, and attempting to hurt politicians.
  • Campaigners were imprisoned for their actions.
    • Suffragettes in prison went on hunger strike and were force-fed.
    • These actions made their struggle public, and many people criticised the Liberal government.
Illustrative background for SuffragistsIllustrative background for Suffragists ?? "content


  • Suffragists tried to achieve the vote using peaceful methods, trying to get a bill passed in the Houses of Parliament.
    • Suffragists tried to organise cross-party support and convince and lobby politicians of the importance of female suffrage.
    • Suffragists used peaceful demonstrations and gathered support with petitions.
    • Suffragists were successful in getting bills to parliament, but none were made into law.
Illustrative background for Debates over suffrageIllustrative background for Debates over suffrage ?? "content

Debates over suffrage

  • Some historians have argued that the Suffragettes were too militant in their actions and actually hindered their cause by alienating the government.
  • Some historians argue that Suffragists were more effective because they used peaceful methods, and their contribution to suffrage has been underappreciated.

Votes at 16

16- and 17-year-olds cannot currently vote in UK-wide elections. There have been campaigns to make the voting age 16.

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Campaign group

  • The Votes at 16 Coalition is a group run by several different campaign groups, such as the National Union of Students (NUS) and The British Youth Council.
Illustrative background for Arguments for votes at 16Illustrative background for Arguments for votes at 16 ?? "content

Arguments for votes at 16

  • Supporters argue that 16-18-year-olds can pay income tax and join the army, but are not represented in parliament.
  • Young people are taught about citizenship and politics in school, so are educated about politics.
Illustrative background for Arguments against votes at 16Illustrative background for Arguments against votes at 16 ?? "content

Arguments against votes at 16

  • Opposers argue that under 18s are not mature enough to make political decisions.
  • Few countries allow votes at 16.
  • Youth turnout is usually low in elections, so under 18 turnout isn't expected to be different.
Illustrative background for Political supportIllustrative background for Political support ?? "content

Political support

  • The issue was brought to parliament in 2008 in a private member’s bill sponsored by Julie Morgan, but the bill ran out of time in parliament.
  • The movement has had some success, 16-18s were able to vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum.
  • All major UK parties support votes at 16 apart from the Conservatives who hold power.

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3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




8The UK Constitution

9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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