
Authority & Hierarchy

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Conservatives believe that authority in society is important to preserve order.

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  • Authority telling people in society what to do means that society functions better.
  • Authority is linked to ideas of paternalism and hierarchy - there should be a social structure with people in charge of others, and those people act in the best interests of those they have authority over.
  • Authority also has links to ideas of the social contract - by giving up some of our freedom we gain security through law and order.
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Different types of authority

According to theorist Max Weber, there are three types of authority:

  • Charismatic authority - where authority comes from the personality and characteristics of the leader.
  • Rational-legal authority - where authority comes from the legal system and rationalism,
  • Traditional authority - where authority comes from tradition and custom, and acceptance of the historical state of affairs.
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Traditional authority

  • Some theorists (such as Max Weber) have argued that conservatives favour ‘traditional’ authority as this reflects cultural customs and respects historical tradition.
  • Traditional authority is more likely to preserve tradition in society, and traditional hierarchies.
    • An example of traditional authority in the UK is the fact that of the 56 prime ministers the UK has had so far, 42 have studied at Oxford or Cambridge.
    • The monarchy is an example of traditional authority in the UK.


Conservatives believe that society is naturally hierarchical, with inequalities and different classes. Hierarchy is an important part of traditional conservatism.

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  • Conservatives believe that political systems and structures that are hierarchical are the best political systems and structures.
    • These structures will be the fairest and most beneficial to the people inside them.
  • We are all born with different merits and abilities, and so some people are more suited to leadership and high status, and others are more suited to low-status positions and jobs.
    • Revolutionary change and abandoning hierarchy is ignorant of this fact, according to conservatives.
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Example of hierarchy

  • David Cameron’s governments 2010-16:
    • Dominated by Old Etonian, privately educated and Oxbridge graduates
    • Oliver Letwin, Boris Johnson, Jo Johnson, Ed Llewellyn, Rupert Harrison.
    • At one point in 2015, 14 out of 28 cabinet members were privately educated.
Illustrative background for New Right conservatismIllustrative background for New Right conservatism ?? "content

New Right conservatism

  • New Right conservatism accepts that there are natural inequalities in society.
  • However, New Right conservatives don’t necessarily want to preserve this order and hierarchy.
  • Instead, inequalities lead to people to strive to work harder to improve their place in life.

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1Democracy & Participation

2Political Parties

3Electoral Systems

4Voting Behaviour & the Media




8The UK Constitution

9The UK Parliament

10The Prime Minister & the Executive

11Relationships Between Government Branches

12US Constitution & Federalism

13US Congress

14US Presidency

15US Supreme Court & Civil Rights

16US Democracy & Participation

17Comparing Democracies



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