
Rhetorical Questions

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Rhetorical Questions

A rhetorical question is a question that isn't meant to be answered by the reader – you use your writing before the question and the context of the question to imply the answer you want.

Illustrative background for How would you feel?Illustrative background for How would you feel? ?? "content

How would you feel?

  • How would you feel if your innocent, vulnerable little brother or sister was exposed to dangerous playground equipment?
    • In this phrase, the rhetorical question is combined with emotive language to steer the reader in the right direction.
    • By using adjectives such as ‘innocent’, ‘vulnerable’, ‘little’ and ‘dangerous’, we suggest that the young child is a victim who needs protecting.
    • We then use the question to encourage the reader to agree with us by directly addressing them (as ‘you’ and ‘your’).
Illustrative background for Do you want to?Illustrative background for Do you want to? ?? "content

Do you want to?

  • Do you want to die young?
    • In this phrase, the rhetorical question is formed because most people would have the same answer to this question, and so it doesn’t need an answer – we would all assume that everyone would answer ‘no’ to this question.
Illustrative background for Aren't you ashamed?Illustrative background for Aren't you ashamed? ?? "content

Aren't you ashamed?

  • Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
    • In this phrase, the rhetorical question is formed because most people would have the same answer to this question, and so it doesn’t need an answer.
    • Because of the way this is phrased, the ‘correct’ response would be ‘yes’. By phrasing it in this way, we have implied that the reader/listener should be ashamed of themselves, and so should not have any other response to the question.

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