
Changes to Food Webs

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Changes to Food Webs - Plants

A food chain is a model that shows how energy flows through an ecosystem. A food chain shows which organisms eat other organisms. A food web is a series of food chains that overlap.

Illustrative background for Predator-prey relationshipsIllustrative background for Predator-prey relationships ?? "content

Predator-prey relationships

  • Predator and prey numbers will change over time.
  • An increase in predators will lead to a decrease in prey organisms.
    • Prey numbers will decrease because there are more predators to eat the prey.
  • A decrease in predators will lead to an increase in prey organisms.
    • Prey numbers will increase because there are fewer predators to eat the prey.
Illustrative background for Plants competing for lightIllustrative background for Plants competing for light ?? "content

Plants competing for light

  • Competition between plants can occur above and below the ground.
  • Plants compete for light.
    • Plants need light for photosynthesis.
    • Plants grow tall and spread their leaves to maximise the amount of the light they receive.
Illustrative background for Plants competing for waterIllustrative background for Plants competing for water ?? "content

Plants competing for water

  • Plants compete for water.
    • Plants need water for photosynthesis.
    • Plants can spread their roots deeper to find water.
    • Plants can spread along the surface of the soil to absorb the water from rainfall.
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Nutrients and space

  • Plants compete for nutrients.
    • Plants absorb nutrients via their roots.
  • Plants compete for space.
    • Plants need space to grow.

Changes to Food Webs - Animals

Animals compete with one another. Animals compete for food. Animals compete to reproduce. Animals compete for space.

Illustrative background for Animals competing for foodIllustrative background for Animals competing for food ?? "content

Animals competing for food

  • Competition occurs in animals of the same and different species.
  • Animals compete for food.
    • Animals need food to get nutrients and glucose.
Illustrative background for Animals competing to reproduceIllustrative background for Animals competing to reproduce ?? "content

Animals competing to reproduce

  • Animals compete to reproduce.
    • Animals need to reproduce to pass on their DNA to their offspring.
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Animals competing for space

  • Animals compete for space.
    • Animals often compete for territory.
    • Competition for territory can be intraspecific and interspecific.

Changes to Food Webs - Factors

Abiotic and biotic factors affect organisms. Abiotic factors are non-living factors. Biotic factors are living factors.

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Abiotic factors

  • Abiotic factors affect the population of organisms in an ecosystem.
    • Abiotic factors are non-living factors.
  • Light is an abiotic factor.
    • Plants need light for photosynthesis.
  • Temperature is an abiotic factor.
    • Organisms can adapt to live in hot or cold environments.
    • Moisture is an abiotic factor.
    • Plants need moisture.
    • Plants can also become overwatered.
Illustrative background for pHIllustrative background for pH ?? "content


  • pH is an abiotic factor.
    • Plants are adapted to grow in acidic or alkaline soils.
    • Fish are also adapted to live in waters with specific pHs.
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  • Carbon dioxide and oxygen are abiotic factors.
    • Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
    • Plants and animals need oxygen for respiration.
  • Carbon dioxide-rich environments lack oxygen.
    • Organisms might not be able to survive in carbon dioxide-rich environments.
    • Freshwater species are adapted to survive at certain oxygen levels.
Illustrative background for Biotic factorsIllustrative background for Biotic factors ?? "content

Biotic factors

  • Biotic factors affect the population of organisms in an ecosystem.
    • Biotic factors are living factors.
  • New predators are a biotic factor.
    • New predators may outcompete existing predators.
  • Disease is a biotic factor.
    • The spread of disease can wipe out a community if it has not built up immunity.
  • Food is a biotic factor.
    • Organisms need nutrients to survive.

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1.1Cells, Tissues & Organs

1.2Reproduction & Variation

1.3Ecological Relationships & Classification

1.4Digestion & Nutrition

1.5Plants & Photosynthesis

1.6Biological Systems & Processes



2.2Chemical Reactions

2.3Atoms, Elements, Compounds

2.4The Periodic Table

2.5Materials & the Earth



2.8Properties of Materials



3.2Forces & Motion


3.4Electricity & Magnetism


3.6Space Physics

4Thinking Scientifically

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