
Days, Months & Years

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Days, Months and Years

1 day is 24 hours long. There are an average of 30 days every month. A year contains 12 months.

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  • A day is the time it takes for the Earth to complete 1 rotation on its axis.
  • In 24 hours, we get both day and night.
    • Daytime is when the Sun is facing the half of the Earth that you are on.
    • Nighttime is when the Sun is not shining on your half of the Earth.
  • All the different planets have different day lengths.
    • Jupiter has the shortest day – it takes 10 hours to rotate on its axis.
    • Venus has the longest day – it takes 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis.
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Months and years

  • There are 12 months in a year.
  • In one year, the Earth will complete one full orbit around the Sun.
  • All planets take different lengths of time to orbit the Sun.
  • The nearer you are to the Sun, the shorter the planet’s year will be.
    • Mercury has the shortest year – only 88 Earth days.
    • Neptune has the longest year – it takes 165 Earth years to orbit the Sun.

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1.1Cells, Tissues & Organs

1.2Reproduction & Variation

1.3Ecological Relationships & Classification

1.4Digestion & Nutrition

1.5Plants & Photosynthesis

1.6Biological Systems & Processes



2.2Chemical Reactions

2.3Atoms, Elements, Compounds

2.4The Periodic Table

2.5Materials & the Earth



2.8Properties of Materials



3.2Forces & Motion


3.4Electricity & Magnetism


3.6Space Physics

4Disciplinary Knowledge

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