
Adaptations and Evolution

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Adaptations are changes in the characteristics of organisms. These changes have occurred over millions of years. This process is known as evolution.

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  • Adaptations are passed down from generation to generation.
  • Adaptations aid the organism in its survival.
  • There are three types of adaptations:
    • Structural adaptations
    • Physiological adaptations
    • Behavioural adaptations
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Structural adaptations

  • Structural adaptations are related to the physical appearance of an organism.
  • Examples of structural adaptations include:
    • Fish gills
    • Talons on a bird of prey
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Physiological adaptations

  • Physiological adaptations are related to the organism's internal organs.
  • Examples of physiological adaptations include:
    • Major organs such as the heart (to pump blood) or stomach (to digest cellulose)
    • The production of hormones and enzymes
Illustrative background for Behavioural adaptationsIllustrative background for Behavioural adaptations ?? "content

Behavioural adaptations

  • Behavioural adaptations are the response an organism has when it survives.
  • Behavioural adaptations include:
    • Octopuses can change shape and colour
    • Gull chicks peck at the red dot on their parent's beak to get food


Charles Darwin wrote about the theory of evolution. Darwin wrote that evolution occurs through natural selection. Natural selection occurs over millions of years.

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Natural selection

  • Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace are credited for writing about the theory of natural selection.
    • This was the theory that evolution developed through the 'natural selection' of the stronger species.
    • This natural selection happens over millions of years.
Illustrative background for Darwin's workIllustrative background for Darwin's work ?? "content

Darwin's work

  • Darwin published his ideas in a book called ‘On the Origin of Species’ in 1859.
  • Darwin wrote about natural selection on the Galapagos Islands.
    • On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin wrote about his observations in the changes in finches.

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1.1Cells, Tissues & Organs

1.2Reproduction & Variation

1.3Ecological Relationships & Classification

1.4Digestion & Nutrition

1.5Plants & Photosynthesis

1.6Biological Systems & Processes



2.2Chemical Reactions

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2.5Materials & the Earth



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3.6Space Physics

4Thinking Scientifically

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