
Compounds & Mixtures

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Compounds and Mixtures

A compound or mixture is made when there are two or more different atoms in a material.

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  • A compound is when the different atoms are joined or linked together. It is difficult to separate the different atoms because they are glued together in a ‘chemical bond’.
  • Examples of compounds include:
    • Carbon dioxide (carbon and oxygen elements joined).
    • Water (hydrogen and oxygen elements joined).
    • Plastic (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and usually other atoms too depending on the type of plastic).
Illustrative background for MixturesIllustrative background for Mixtures ?? "content


  • A mixture is when the different atoms are not joined together.
  • So the different atoms can be separated.
  • Imagine a bag of skittles:
    • All the different flavours can be separated into piles because they are just mixed in the bag, not joined together.
Illustrative background for Mixtures (cont.)Illustrative background for Mixtures (cont.) ?? "content

Mixtures (cont.)

  • A mixture can be made of two or more different compounds as well.
  • As long as there are two different parts then a mixture can be a mixture of: elements and other elements, compounds and other compounds, or elements and compounds.
  • The air we breathe is a mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon and other gases.

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1.2Reproduction & Variation

1.3Ecological Relationships & Classification

1.4Digestion & Nutrition

1.5Plants & Photosynthesis

1.6Biological Systems & Processes



2.2Chemical Reactions

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2.8Properties of Materials



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3.6Space Physics

4Disciplinary Knowledge

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