
Why Businesses Exist

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Why do Businesses Exist?

Businesses provide goods and services for the market.

Illustrative background for Supplier of goods and servicesIllustrative background for Supplier of goods and services ?? "content

Supplier of goods and services

  • Businesses supply goods and services to consumers and businesses.
  • Goods are tangible products which can be physically held.
  • Services are intangible products.
Illustrative background for Impact on the country and its residentsIllustrative background for Impact on the country and its residents ?? "content

Impact on the country and its residents

  • Businesses provide employment which allows individuals to earn an income and purchase goods and services.
    • E.g. In 2019, Tesco employed around 300,000 staff.
  • Businesses create new goods and services which can enhance the lives of consumers.
    • E.g. pharmaceutical businesses like Pfizer have developed new medicines that cure illnesses and improve people’s quality of life.
  • Businesses can allow a country to improve and develop the country's reputation.
    • E.g. many financial service businesses in the UK provide their products to many countries around the world and this improves the UK’s reputation.
Illustrative background for The transformation processIllustrative background for The transformation process ?? "content

The transformation process

  • Businesses convert inputs (for example, raw materials) into outputs (finished goods) to satisfy the needs, and wants of other consumers and businesses.
  • This is called the transformation process and businesses will add value to their goods and services throughout this process.
Illustrative background for B2CIllustrative background for B2C ?? "content


  • Some businesses sell their goods and services directly to consumers and these businesses are known as business to consumer (or B2C) organisations.
    • For example, Spotify provides music streaming services and sells these to consumers. Spotify is, therefore, an example of a business to consumer organisation.
Illustrative background for B2BIllustrative background for B2B ?? "content


  • Other businesses sell their goods and services to other businesses and these are known as business to business (or B2B) organisations.
    • For example, Hootsuite sells social media management services to other businesses such as Virgin. Hootsuite is, therefore, an example of a business to business organisation.
Illustrative background for SectorsIllustrative background for Sectors ?? "content


  • Businesses can also be categorised according to the type of product they supply:
    • Primary sector businesses extract or grow raw materials including fishing, mining, and forestry.
    • Secondary businesses manufacture goods using raw materials such as clothing and mobile phones.
    • Tertiary businesses provide services such as hotels and cinemas.

Jump to other topics

1What is Business?

2Managers, Leadership & Decision Making

3Decision Making to Improve Marketing Performance

4Decision Making to Improve Operational Performance

5Decision Making to Improve Financial Performance

6Improving Human Resource Performance

7Analysing the Strategic Position of a Business

8Choosing Strategic Direction

9How to Pursue Strategies

10Managing Strategic Change

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