
Religious Context

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Religious Context of The Handmaid's Tale

Atwood created Gilead as a theocracy, which means that the country is governed by a state that strictly follows the laws and teachings of a particular religion.

Illustrative background for Biblical significanceIllustrative background for Biblical significance ?? "content

Biblical significance

  • The epigraph shows that Gilead is a fundamentalist Christian theocracy.
  • The name of Gilead comes from the Bible. It is mentioned first in the book of Genesis as a hill country that Jacob flees to and sets up home as a witness to God.
  • It is a place that is renowned for its fertility.
  • It holds a special balm that is meant to heal. This creates the phrase "There is a balm in Gilead", which Moira satirically changes to "There is a bomb in Gilead".
Illustrative background for Jacob, Rachel and LeahIllustrative background for Jacob, Rachel and Leah ?? "content

Jacob, Rachel and Leah

  • The story of Jacob, Rachel and Leah influences the novel.
  • The epigraph implies that the practice of using a handmaid as a way of having a child has now become part of the Ceremony in Atwood's novel and that Biblical scripture is used to imprison and oppress Handmaids like Offred.
  • The RED centre in the novel stands for the Rachel and Leah centre, which references the story of both of the wives of Jacob having to use their handmaids, Bilhah and Zilpah, to bear children.
Illustrative background for Patriarchal lexisIllustrative background for Patriarchal lexis ?? "content

Patriarchal lexis

  • The language used by the Handmaids is prescribed from the Bible.
  • This means patriarchal language is used to strengthen the oppression of the Handmaids and status as "walking wombs": "Praise be", "Blessed be the Fruit", "May the Lord Open" and "Under his eye".
Illustrative background for Shops in GileadIllustrative background for Shops in Gilead ?? "content

Shops in Gilead

  • The names of the shops in Gilead comes from the Bible.
    • Lilies of the Field, All Flesh and Milk and Honey are referenced in the Old Testament.
    • The idea of fertility in Exodus - when Moses promises to take the Israelites to a land that is brimming over with "milk and honey" - is cleverly juxtaposed with the actual grocery shop in Gilead, which has run out of much of its produce.
Illustrative background for Indictment of the New RightIllustrative background for Indictment of the New Right ?? "content

Indictment of the New Right

  • Atwood uses these subtle satirical references to criticise the American Fundamental Christian New Right, which was in power when she wrote the novel.
  • Her references show that their plans to make a utopia founded upon the teachings of the Bible were flawed.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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