
Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 - Summary and Key Quotations

The news of Ofglen's suicide distresses Offred. But Offred also realises that Ofglen never had a chance to be tortured for her secrets. This means that Offred might still be safe.

Illustrative background for Serena Joy's angerIllustrative background for Serena Joy's anger ?? "content

Serena Joy's anger

  • Offred questions whether the suicide story is true or not.
  • When Offred returns to the house, she is confronted by an angry Serena Joy. Serena says that she "trusted" Offred and claims that she "tried to help" her.
  • When Serena Joy brings out the outfit she wore to Jezebel's, Offred realises which secret she has found out about.
Illustrative background for __"I may live"__Illustrative background for __"I may live"__ ?? "content

"I may live"

  • "She has died that I may live ... Unless this woman is lying"
    • At first, Offred is relieved that Ofglen has seemingly not incriminated anyone.
    • But she soon starts to worry that Ofglen is not actually dead and that there's no way of knowing if she's dead or alive.
    • The idea of dying so that others can live references Jesus' sacrificial death to atone for the world's sins.
Illustrative background for __"I am abject"__Illustrative background for __"I am abject"__ ?? "content

"I am abject"

  • “I am abject. They can do what they like with me.”
    • Offred knows that a tyrannical regime like Gilead can force its people to do anything because of their desperation to live.
  • "Does she love him, after all?"
    • Offred realises Serena Joy is also an exploited woman and victim of the regime.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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