
Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Summary

The reader is introduced to the regime of Gilead through the setting of a gymnasium, where we are told the Handmaids-in-training have to sleep on army barrack beds.

Illustrative background for Narrator images past lifeIllustrative background for Narrator images past life ?? "content

Narrator images past life

  • It becomes very clear that this is a world which used to be familiar but the setting has been repurposed for the strict regime that has taken over.
  • The narrator (who we later find out is Offred) imagines the past life of the gymnasium. She thinks about all the fashion changes that have taken place over time and remembers intimate adolescent liaisons.
Illustrative background for Current lifeIllustrative background for Current life ?? "content

Current life

  • Her thoughts are juxtaposed with the current reality of the narrator.
  • The narrator introduces the idea of imprisonment with the "Aunts" controlling the Handmaids with cattle prods and guards, who are called "Angels", patrolling the outside of the building with guns.
Illustrative background for Using her body to manipulateIllustrative background for Using her body to manipulate ?? "content

Using her body to manipulate

  • The narrator thinks that she might be able to use her body to manipulate the guards, bringing the theme of sex to the forefront of the novel.
Illustrative background for Handmaids cannot talk Illustrative background for Handmaids cannot talk  ?? "content

Handmaids cannot talk

  • The chapter ends with the revelation that the handmaids are not allowed to talk to each other.
  • But the Handmaids break this rule at night when they mouth their names at each other.

Chapter 1 - Key Quotations

Here are six key quotations from Chapter 1:

Illustrative background for <b>"...unheard sound"Illustrative background for <b>"...unheard sound" ?? "content

"...unheard sound"

  • "A palimpsest of unheard sound"
Illustrative background for <b>"...old sex..."Illustrative background for <b>"...old sex..." ?? "content

"...old sex..."

  • "There was old sex in the room and loneliness"
Illustrative background for <b>"We learned to whisper..."Illustrative background for <b>"We learned to whisper..." ?? "content

"We learned to whisper..."

  • "We learned to whisper almost without sound"
Illustrative background for <b> "Alma.Janine...."Illustrative background for <b> "Alma.Janine...." ?? "content


  • "Alma.Janine.Dolores.Moira.June"

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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