
Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Summary and Key Quotations

The reader is introduced to the concept of a Prayvaganza, where young women have their marriages arranged. As they walk to the ceremony, Offred remembers picking flowers with her daughter.

Illustrative background for Ofwarren's baby - __"shredder"__Illustrative background for Ofwarren's baby - __"shredder"__ ?? "content

Ofwarren's baby - "shredder"

  • Once Offred and Ofglen arrive at the ceremony, along with other women in Gilead, they are separated off into their different roles: Handmaids, Wives, Econo-Wives and Marthas.
  • Whilst lining up for the Prayvaganza, Ofglen tells Offred that Ofwarren's baby has been discovered to have serious disabilities and is classed as a "shredder", which we also find out is not her first child to be classed as unsuitable for Gilead.
Illustrative background for Ofwarren's breakdown Illustrative background for Ofwarren's breakdown  ?? "content

Ofwarren's breakdown

  • Offred remembers that Ofwarren had a temporary mental breakdown at the Red Centre when she started to stare into space and talk to herself.
  • Moira slapped Ofwarren to get her to be quiet so she didn't draw attention to herself. She would be classed an "unwoman" if she seemed mentally unfit to fulfil her role as a Handmaid.
  • Offred remembers that Moira told her to keep an eye on Ofwarren. She thinks that this might have been when Moira was planning to escape the centre.
Illustrative background for Key quotationsIllustrative background for Key quotations ?? "content

Key quotations

  • "The Prayvaganza"
    • Prayer + ‘extravaganza' → this implies that prayer is an important part of this ceremony. In the next chapter, we learn that this ceremony is actually a mass wedding, similar to those organised in the 20th century by ‘Moonie' leader Sun Myung Moon. Thousands of people would be married in these ceremonies.
  • "God is a National Resource"
    • Implies God is on Gilead's side and Gilead practically controls him.
Illustrative background for Key quotations (cont.)Illustrative background for Key quotations (cont.) ?? "content

Key quotations (cont.)

  • "Kneeling … on the cement floor"
    • Reflects their Handmaid's subservient position in Gilead.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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