
Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Summary

Time shifts to the middle of summer and Offred and Ofglen are shopping again.

Illustrative background for Shopping and the WallIllustrative background for Shopping and the Wall ?? "content

Shopping and the Wall

  • They buy fish which is becoming extinct and Offred has a memory of her daughter buying ice cream in one of these now-gone shops.
  • As they pass the Wall, they see new bodies hanging. Offred remembers that behind the Wall was a large University library, which is now illegal to enter.
Illustrative background for Soul ScrollsIllustrative background for Soul Scrolls ?? "content

Soul Scrolls

  • They pass the shop called Soul Scrolls. These are machines which print out and read aloud prayers for people who can afford this service.
  • The commodification of such a sacred act makes both Handmaids admit to each other, secretly, that these prayers would never be heard by God.
Illustrative background for Ofglen's confessionIllustrative background for Ofglen's confession ?? "content

Ofglen's confession

  • Ofglen then admits to Offred that she is part of an underground resistance group, but this secret is interrupted by a black van pulling up and Eyes rushing out to grab a man off the street.
  • This outlines the danger of such rebellious activities and Offred is relieved that she has not been captured.

Chapter 27 - Key Quotations

Here are 6 key quotations from Chapter 27:

Illustrative background for <b>Loaves and Fishes...Siamese"Illustrative background for <b>Loaves and Fishes...Siamese" ?? "content

Loaves and Fishes...Siamese"

  • "Loaves and Fishes"
    • This refers to the feeding of the 5,000 in the Bible. Jesus managed to feed 5,000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. There is barely any food in Gilead because humans have destroyed the environment and over-fished.
  • "Siamese twins"
    • This refers to Ofglen and Offred and reminds us of the theme of doubles.
  • "Now it's treason"
    • Free speech is forbidden in Gilead.
Illustrative background for <b>"Vanities...there's a we"Illustrative background for <b>"Vanities...there's a we" ?? "content

"Vanities...there's a we"

  • "Vanities... shut down"
    • Gilead has banned things like cosmetics and jewellery that women may have wanted to buy.
  • There's an us then, there's a we"
    • Offred has a chance of being part of a community - opposing the faceless beings who rule Gilead.
Illustrative background for <b>"Hope"Illustrative background for <b>"Hope" ?? "content


  • "Hope is rising in me, like sap in a tree"
    • This garden image implies restored life. Hope was one of the words on the cushions taken from Offred's room. This symbolises Gilead's attempts to take hope away from the Handmaids' lives.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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