
Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Summary

This chapter switches into the present tense as Offred describes walking out of the house to go shopping. She sees one of the Guardians cleaning the Commander's car.

Illustrative background for Recognising NickIllustrative background for Recognising Nick ?? "content

Recognising Nick

  • She recognises this man as Nick, who she knows lives above the garage. He is such low status that he isn't even prescribed a woman to live with.
  • As Offred looks at him, he winks at her. This causes her to look away because this is an offensive act of flirtation.
  • She wonders whether he is being friendly, flirtatious or even if he is an "Eye", which we find out later means an informer.
Illustrative background for Offred waits for OfglenIllustrative background for Offred waits for Ofglen ?? "content

Offred waits for Ofglen

  • Offred waits on the corner of a street for another Handmaid to join her for the journey to the shops. This is because Handmaids cannot walk around alone.
  • Offred reflects on how this is meant to be for their protection, but she wonders whether it is actually so that they can both keep an eye on each other.
  • Offred's "double" arrives, called Ofglen, who speaks in scripted speech based on religious phrases ("Praise be").
Illustrative background for Youthful Guardians Illustrative background for Youthful Guardians  ?? "content

Youthful Guardians

  • On their way to the shops, they have to stop at a checkpoint to have their papers checked by the Guardians.
  • Offred notices how young the Guardians are and realises they are nearly as powerless as the Handmaids. She realises Gilead doesn't just control female sexuality but also the urges of the lower status men too.
Illustrative background for Using sexuality as powerIllustrative background for Using sexuality as power ?? "content

Using sexuality as power

  • Offred imagines using her sexuality as a form of power over the men.
  • As she leaves the checkpoint, she makes sure to "move my hips a little", knowing that the men are watching and yet helpless to act on their sexual feelings.

Chapter 4 - Key Quotations

Here are seven key quotations from Chapter 4:

Illustrative background for <b>"...ravenous for news..."Illustrative background for <b>"...ravenous for news..." ?? "content

"...ravenous for news..."

  • "I'm ravenous for news, any kind of news; even if it is false news"
Illustrative background for <b>"...tiny peepholes"Illustrative background for <b>"...tiny peepholes" ?? "content

"...tiny peepholes"

  • “Such moments are possibilities, tiny peepholes"
    • Offred says this when she makes eye contact with one of the Guardians when passing through the checkpoint.
Illustrative background for <b>"...I am not ashamed..."Illustrative background for <b>"...I am not ashamed..." ?? "content

"...I am not ashamed..."

  • "I find I am not ashamed after all. I enjoy the power"
    • Offred says this after she has moved her "hips a little" in front of the Guardians.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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