
Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Summary and Key Quotations

This chapter focuses on the birth of Ofwarren's baby and the ritual of birthing in Gilead.

Illustrative background for Ofwarren's birthingIllustrative background for Ofwarren's birthing ?? "content

Ofwarren's birthing

  • As the labour progresses, the Handmaids chant. Offred uses this moment of noise to secretively ask another Handmaid whether she has seen Moira or not.
  • As Ofwarren gets closer to giving birth, the Wife of Warren comes into the room and sits behind her on a special birthing chair. Ofwarren gives birth to a baby girl who is cleaned and given to the Wife of Warren. The baby is named Angela and Ofwarren will breastfeed the baby until she is assigned to a brand new family.
Illustrative background for Offred reminisces about birthIllustrative background for Offred reminisces about birth ?? "content

Offred reminisces about birth

  • Offred thinks back to her own daughter's birth and the joy it brought her.
  • After the birth, the Handmaids get back into the Birthmobile and are taken back their respective houses.
Illustrative background for Key quotationIllustrative background for Key quotation ?? "content

Key quotation

  • “Mother, I think. Wherever you may be. Can you hear me? You wanted a women's culture. Well, now there is one. It isn't what you meant, but it exists. Be thankful for small mercies.”
    • Offred's mother campaigned because she wanted women to be recognised in society. But in Gilead, women are only recognised for their wombs.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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