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Epigraphs in The Handmaid's Tale

Atwood chooses three epigraphs that introduce many themes and ideas.

Illustrative background for Genesis 30: 1-3Illustrative background for Genesis 30: 1-3 ?? "content

Genesis 30: 1-3

  • And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children or else I die. And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel; and he said Am I in God's stead who have withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her".
Illustrative background for Genesis 30: 1-3 analysedIllustrative background for Genesis 30: 1-3 analysed ?? "content

Genesis 30: 1-3 analysed

  • This quotation clearly inspired the Ceremony that takes place in the novel between the Commander, Offred and Serena Joy.
  • It also shows how a theocracy like Gilead can use scripture to enforce practices like the Ceremony.
  • You could interpret this quotation as objectifying women as just sexual and reproductive figures in society.
Illustrative background for Jonathan SwiftIllustrative background for Jonathan Swift ?? "content

Jonathan Swift

  • But as to myself, having been wearied out for many years with offering vain, idle, visionary thoughts, and at length, utterly despairing of success, I fortunately fell upon this proposal… (Jonathon Swift, A Modest Proposal, 1729)
Illustrative background for Swift quotation analysedIllustrative background for Swift quotation analysed ?? "content

Swift quotation analysed

  • Swift was an Irish writer and satirist who wrote the essay A Modest Proposal to address the poor living conditions for Irish people.
  • He satirically put forward ideas like:
    • using cannibalism to solve hunger
    • treating children and women like animals.
  • Atwood is suggesting that The Handmaid's Tale has a satirical thread and that the ideas in it point to wider problems in society.
Illustrative background for Sufi proverbIllustrative background for Sufi proverb ?? "content

Sufi proverb

  • In the desert there is no sign that says, Thou shalt not eat stones.
    • This quotation seems more ambiguous than the other two in terms of its relevance to the novel. There can be many interpretations: one could be that human survival is an instinct that needs no instruction. It could also be read as a satirical comment on the world of Gilead, where rules are strictly enforced, even for aspects of human life like conversation, socialising and sex.
Illustrative background for Workman on the Sufi proverbIllustrative background for Workman on the Sufi proverb ?? "content

Workman on the Sufi proverb

  • Critic Nancy Workman interprets this quotation as referencing Sufi mysticism.
    • Offred displays Sufi mystic characteristics by developing an inner sense of spirituality which is at odds with the repressive theocracy of Gilead.
  • The quotation could refer to:
    • Offred exploring the powerful relationship between language and power
    • A regime like Gilead playing upon the interchange between language, power and interpretation.

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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