
Links to Dystopian Fiction

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Parallels with Nineteen Eighty Four

Parallels between The Handmaid's Tale and Nineteen Eighty Four are:

Illustrative background for The use of neologisms (new words)Illustrative background for The use of neologisms (new words) ?? "content

The use of neologisms (new words)

  • Atwood: Compucheck/Particicutions/Unwomen.
  • Orwell: Newspeak/Doublethink/Facecrime.
Illustrative background for Constant threat of surveillanceIllustrative background for Constant threat of surveillance ?? "content

Constant threat of surveillance

  • Atwood: Under his Eye.
  • Orwell: Big Brother is watching you.
Illustrative background for Political contextIllustrative background for Political context ?? "content

Political context

  • Atwood: rise of New Right and Fundamentalist Christianity in 1980s.
  • Orwell: post World War 2, Cold war setting and rise of Stalin/Communism.
Illustrative background for Use of violence for controlIllustrative background for Use of violence for control ?? "content

Use of violence for control

  • Use of violence as a way of controlling the masses and deflecting the focus away from those in charge:
    • Atwood: Salvaging and Particicutions.
    • Orwell: Two Minutes Hate ritual.
Illustrative background for ProtagonistsIllustrative background for Protagonists ?? "content


  • Both protagonists are beaten down by the totalitarian regime and willing to say anything or incriminate anyone to surivie:
    • Atwood: "I'll say anything they like. I'll incriminate anyone. It's true, the first scream, whimper even, and I'll turn to jelly, I'll confess to any crime, I'll end up hanging from a hook on the Wall"
    • Orwell: "Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don't care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!"

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1Author Background

1.1Margaret Atwood

2Chapter Summaries

3Dedications & Epigraph

3.1Dedications & Epigraph


5Narrative Structure & Literary Techniques

6Themes & Imagery



8.1Readings of The Handmaid's Tale

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