Festivals & Commemorations
Festivals for Sunnis and Shi'as
Festivals for Sunnis and Shi'as
Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr are the two main festivals that are important for both Sunnis and Shi'as.

Eid al-Adha
Eid al-Adha
- Commemorates complete obedience to Allah - Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son to Allah when God intervened.
- During the 4 days of this festival, people often exchange presents.
- Muslims attend a service in mosques, which focuses on the importance of obedience to Allah.
- Muslim families often sacrifice an animal and divide it into three parts: one to their family, one to their relatives, and one to the poor.

Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr
- Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan.
- Celebrates the completion of the fourth pillar
- The fourth pillar is fasting, observing sawm.
- Thanking Allah for giving Muslims the strength to complete the fourth pillar.
- There are prayers and a sermon either in or outside the mosque.
- There is a meal to break the fast and family and friends exchange presents.

Zakah during Eid al-Fitr
Zakah during Eid al-Fitr
- Muslims pay a Zakah of around 2,5% of one's wealth, on this day.
- This enables poorer people to celebrate as well.
- Charities and mosques usually give zakah in the form of food.
This festival is most important for Shi’a Muslims, although Sunnis think of it as a day of atonement.

Prior to Ashura
Prior to Ashura
- The ten days leading up to Ashura are a period of mourning.
- They are characterised by processions, passion plays, and recitations of stories and poems about the death of Husayn.
- Shi’a Muslims wear black during this period and some practice self-flagellation.

Day of Ashura
Day of Ashura
- Commemorates the death of Husayn, son of ‘Ali, and grandson of Muhammad.
- He died in battle and a Passion narrative has developed around his death.
- Fasting on Ashura is not compulsory as Muhammad decreed that Muslims should observe sawm on Ramadan.

Ashura Processions
Ashura Processions
- Many Shi’a Muslims use the Ashura processions to protest against the injustice of the suffering of the Shi’a community as a persecuted minority.
1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot
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1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot

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