The Imamate
The Imamate in Shi'a Islam
The Imamate in Shi'a Islam
While Sunni Muslims are led by a Caliph, who acts as a political head of state, Shi’a Muslims look to their Imam (religious leader) for leadership. ‘Ali, the fourth Sunni Caliph, is recognised as the first Shi’a Imam.

Sunni Muslims
Sunni Muslims
- For Sunni Muslims, the leadership was passed to Abu Bakr who became the first Caliph.
- The role was both a political and religious responsibility. The next few Caliphs were also close friends of the prophet. Sunni Muslims call the first successors the "rightly guided" caliphs. Over time the role developed into more of a political role than a religious one.
- Sunni Muslims use the word Imam to refer to the prayer leader.

Shi'a Muslims
Shi'a Muslims
- For Shi'a Muslims ‘Ali (Muhammad’s son-in-law and cousin) was the only legitimate leader, as only a direct descendant should take over the leadership. They believe that he was appointed by Muhammad.
- After ‘Ali died in 661 CE the Imamate was passed down by a line of succession, rather than by appointment.
- The Imam is the figure who leads Muslims along the right path, to salvation: in Shi’ism the imam is the figurehead of their religion.
Types of Shi'ism
Types of Shi'ism
Different branches of Shi'ism have different beliefs about the Imamate.
Twelver Shi'ism
Twelver Shi'ism
- The twelver branch of Shi'a Islam believes that there are twelve divinely appointed leaders.
- The leader is known as Imam. This leader has help from Allah when leading the religion and is able to correctly assess the needs of modern Muslims and guide them in correct living.
- The final leader is ‘hidden’. He is alive but will only be revealed when Allah decides it’s the right time.
Isma'ili (Sevener) Shi'ism
Isma'ili (Sevener) Shi'ism
- Isma’ili’s believed that the seventh Imam should have been Isma’il, not his younger brother (who was chosen by the Twelvers).
1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot
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1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot

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