A pilgrimage is a journey to a place closely associated with a person’s religion.

Jesus' pilgrimage
Jesus' pilgrimage
- Luke tells us in his Gospel that Jesus went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem when he was a child:
- ‘Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover.’ [Luke 2:41 NIV].

Hardships of pilgrimages
Hardships of pilgrimages
- Sometimes, travel on pilgrimage can involve effort and hardship, and this can be understood as part of the spiritual commitment involved in making the journey.
- Before travel was as easy as it is today, pilgrimages took much longer and could be dangerous, requiring strong faith to make the journey.

Benefits of pilgrimages
Benefits of pilgrimages
- Many Catholics believe that being present in the holy places brings them a form of spiritual renewal, bringing them closer to God.
- ‘Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey towards heaven.’ [CCC 2691]
- Often pilgrimages are shared with other Catholics, and this coming together can help to strengthen a person’s faith.
- Some places of pilgrimage, such as the Holy Land and Walsingham, are shared with other Christians and can help to unite believers.

Reasons for not going on pilgrimage
Reasons for not going on pilgrimage
- Some Christians would say they do not need to travel on pilgrimages because it is the inner journey towards God that is important.
- Some people may not be able to go on pilgrimage for personal reasons, and so it is not considered an essential part of the Christian spiritual life.
Examples of Pilgrimages
Examples of Pilgrimages
There are many places of pilgrimage for Catholics both in the UK and abroad. Some examples are:

Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Pilgrimage to Lourdes
- Lourdes is a town in South-West France where Catholics believe Mary appeared in the 19th Century.
- Catholics also believe this to be a place of healing because of a spring of water that Mary said had healing power.
- Many who take part find that it is an occasion of spiritual renewal.

What happens during the Lourdes pilgrimage?
What happens during the Lourdes pilgrimage?
- Many pilgrims at Lourdes are people who are sick and hope for a cure, often by bathing in the water from the spring.
- They take part in Mass, processions (sometimes at night with torchlight), and other forms of devotion and prayer.

Pilgrimage to Rome
Pilgrimage to Rome
- Rome, the Capital of Italy, also contains the Vatican City, which is where the Pope lives and is the site of St Peter’s Basilica.
- Catholics from all over the world come together in Rome and often say that this strengthens their awareness of the Church being a family of people from all nations.

What happens during the Rome pilgrimage?
What happens during the Rome pilgrimage?
- Many Catholics travel to Rome to visit where both St Peter and St Paul were martyred, which they find deepens their faith.
- Often, Catholics will also attend an audience given by the Pope in St Peter’s Square.
- Many pilgrims visit the catacombs, which are underground burial places where many early Christians were buried in secret.

The Holy Land pilgrimage
The Holy Land pilgrimage
- The Holy Land is between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
- The Holy Land is generally considered to be biblical Israel and historical Palestine and in the present day corresponds to the state of Israel and Palestinian territories, as well as parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
- The Holy Land is considered holy by Christianity, Judaism and Islam and is an important place of pilgrimage as the scene of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot
Jump to other topics
1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot

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