In the Catholic Church, marriage is a sacrament, a moment when those getting married are given special grace to help them fulfil their commitment.

Nuptial mass
Nuptial mass
- If marriages take place during Mass, this is called a Nuptial Mass.

Importance of vows
Importance of vows
- The main part of the ceremony is the exchange of vows where the couple promise to remain faithful to each other for life:
- ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ [Matthew 19:5 NIV]

Features of the ceremony
Features of the ceremony
- The priest and congregation act as witnesses to this commitment.
- The priest blesses the marriage on behalf of God and the Church.
- The couple also commits themselves to accept children and to raise them according to the ‘law of Christ and his Church’.
- Catholics believe that God is also present when two people marry and that the Church blesses the union on God’s behalf.
Marriage and Catholic Life
Marriage and Catholic Life
For Catholics, marriage is said to be unitive and procreative: it unites the couple in a loving bond and provides a situation where children can be born and raised.

Marriage quote
Marriage quote
- ‘The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole life, is by its nature ordered towards the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of their offspring.’ [CCC 1601]

- In Catholicism, marriage is only possible between a man and a woman.

Lifelong commitment
Lifelong commitment
- It is also a lifelong commitment. Catholics do not allow divorce.
- In some circumstances, marriages can be annulled (declared invalid) if at the time of the marriage one party did not enter into the commitment freely, or for some reason was not mature enough or in a state to make such a commitment.
- Catholics believe that some people are called by God to live celibate lives (abstaining from marriage and sexual relations), sometimes as priests or as monks or nuns.

Other denominations
Other denominations
- Marriage ceremonies form part of the practice of many other Christian denominations, but most of them do not consider marriage to be a sacrament.
1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot
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1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot

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