Funeral Rites
The Funeral Rite
The Funeral Rite
Catholics believe they have a duty to bury their dead with respect and according to the rites of the Catholic Church.

Jesus' burial
Jesus' burial
- The burial duty reflects the care taken by Jesus’ followers to give him a proper burial following his crucifixion.
- ‘The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes.’ [Luke 24: 55 - 56 NIV]

The burial process
The burial process
- Burials are usually conducted by a priest or deacon and are attended by family and friends.
- It is usual for the priest to wear dark (black or purple) vestments to represent sadness, but they sometimes wear white as a sign of faith in the resurrection.
- Traditionally, dead Catholics would be buried in consecrated ground.
- These days Catholics are allowed to be cremated in most dioceses.

Views on funeral rites
Views on funeral rites
- The funeral rite itself is not a sacrament but it is an important part of Catholic liturgy, expressing many parts of Christian faith.
- Although a time of sadness for the deceased person’s family, the funeral rite is an expression of faith in the resurrection of the dead.

Views on funeral rites (continued)
Views on funeral rites (continued)
- Family and friends can pay their respects, offer prayers, and speak about the person’s life.
- Catholics believe that those who have died await the resurrection and the day of judgement.
- They also look forward to being reunited in heaven with their loved one. This is a source of consolation.
Before Burial or Cremation
Before Burial or Cremation
Before burial or cremation, there's a service in the church, of prayers and sometimes a special Mass called a Requiem Mass (‘requiem’ comes from the Latin for ‘peace’).

- Sometimes the deceased person is brought to the church the night before the funeral and there's a short service of prayers called a vigil.

Requiem Mass
Requiem Mass
- If there is to be a Mass, the special funeral prayers become part of the prayers of the Mass.
- The prayers ask for the deceased to be welcomed into heaven, and for consolation for family and friends.

Paschal candle
Paschal candle
- Beside the coffin is the paschal candle, which was first lit at Easter and symbolises the risen Christ.

- Usually, the priest will give a homily emphasising the Christian faith in the resurrection of the dead.

- Sometimes, a family member will say some words in tribute to the person that has died.

- Special prayers are said over the coffin of the deceased, which is blessed with holy water as a sign of baptism, and often incense is used as a mark of respect.
- The final prayers in the church are prayers of committal, as the coffin is then taken either to the cemetery or the crematorium where final prayers are said.
1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot
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1.1Key Beliefs
2.1Key Beliefs
2.1.1The Nature of God
2.1.2The Problem of Evil
2.1.5Bible Accounts of Creation
2.1.6The Trinity and Creation
2.1.8Heaven and Hell
2.1.9The Influence of Afterlife on Life
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Christianity Key Beliefs
2.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Christian Beliefs
2.2Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.2.1The Incarnation
2.2.2Jesus - Divine & Human
2.2.3The Crucifixion
2.2.4Jesus' Betrayal
2.2.5Resurrection & Ascension
2.2.7Original Sin
2.2.9The Means of Salvation
2.2.10Achieving Salvation
2.2.11Disagreements About Salvation
2.2.12The Role of Christ in Salvation
2.2.13Theories of Salvation
2.2.14End of Topic Test - Jesus Christ & Salvation
2.3Worship & Festivals
3Catholicism (Christianity)
3.1Key Beliefs
3.2The Seven Sacraments
4.1Key Beliefs
5.1Key Beliefs
5.2Covenant & The Mitzvot

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