
Percentage to Decimal

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Finding Percentages Using the Decimal Method

Another way to find percentages is to use the decimal method. This is often quicker than the unitary method but needs a calculator.

Illustrative background for What is 70% of £50?Illustrative background for What is 70% of £50? ?? "content

What is 70% of £50?

  • 70% is equivalent to 0.7.
    • So, to find 70% we multiply by 0.7.
Illustrative background for What is 150% of 90?Illustrative background for What is 150% of 90? ?? "content

What is 150% of 90?

  • 150% is equivalent to 1.5.
    • So, to find 150% we multiply by 1.5.

Jump to other topics


1.1Place Value

1.2Factors & Multiples


1.4Fractions, Decimals & Percentages

1.5Growth & Decay

1.6Measurements & Units



3Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change

4Geometry & Measures



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