Column Method Addition
Column Method Addition
The column method can help you add and subtract large numbers or numbers with decimals.

What is 6437.5 + 3256.1?
What is 6437.5 + 3256.1?
- This is hard to do in your head.

1) Add right hand column
1) Add right hand column
- Make sure the decimal points of both numbers are lined up so you don't confuse place values.
- Start adding from the the right hand side.
- If the sum of a column is less than 10 then write the number under the column.

2) Add 2nd column
2) Add 2nd column
- Start adding from the RHS and move step by step to the left.
- If the sum of a column is more than 10 then carry the number in the 'tens' into the next column (in the sum above we carry the 1).

3) Add 3rd column
3) Add 3rd column
- Because we have carried the 1 over we must include it now in the sum of this column.
- 3 + 5 + 1 = 9

4) Add 4th column
4) Add 4th column
- Keep adding columns moving to the left until you reach the end.

5) Add left hand column
5) Add left hand column
- 6437.5 + 3256.1 = 9693.6
1.1Place Value
1.2Factors & Multiples
1.3.3Multiplication 10,100...
1.3.4Grid Multiplication
1.3.5Division by 10s
1.3.9Rationalise denominator
1.3.10Simplify Surds
1.3.12Inverse Ops
1.3.13Standard Form
1.3.14Addition in Standard Form
1.3.15Subtraction in Standard Form
1.3.16End of Topic Test - Standard Form
1.4Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
1.4.2Mixed & Improper Fractions
1.4.3Write 2 Numbers as Fractions
1.4.4Adding Fractions
1.4.5Subtracting Fractions
1.4.6Multiplying Fractions
1.4.7Dividing Fractions
1.4.8Finding Fractions
1.4.9Improper & Mixed Fractions
1.4.10Decimal Place Value
1.4.11Fraction to Decimal
1.4.12Find Percentage Unitary
1.4.13Fraction to Percentage
1.4.14Percentage to Fraction
1.4.15Percentage to Decimal
1.4.16Decimal to Percentage
1.4.17Percentage using Decimal
1.4.18End of Topic Test - Fractions
1.5Growth & Decay
1.6Measurements & Units
2.1Introduction to Algebra
2.3Solving Equations
2.3.1Solve Linear Equations
2.3.2Words To Equation
2.3.3Solve Linear Equations Graphically
2.3.4Solve Inequality
2.3.5Graphing Inequalities
2.3.6End of Topic Test - Graphs & Equations
2.3.7Simultaneous Equations
2.3.8Simultaneous Equations Graph
2.3.9Quadratic +/-
2.3.10Factorise Quadratics
2.3.11Complete the Square
3Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change
3.1Manipulating Ratios
3.2Ratios in Practice
3.3Percentage & Finance
4Geometry & Measures
4.1Introduction to Geometry
4.2Ruler & Compass Constructions
4.3Perimeter & Area
4.4Triangles, Quadrilaterals & Circles
4.6Triangle Formulae
4.73D Shapes
4.7.1Types of 3D Shape
4.7.2Plans & Elevations
4.7.4Volume of 3D Shapes
4.7.5Volume of a Cuboid
4.7.6Volume of a Cylinder
4.7.7Volume of a Sphere
4.7.8Volume of a Hemisphere
4.7.9Volume of a Cone
4.7.10Volume of a Pyramid
4.7.11Surface Area of a Cuboid
4.7.12Surface Area of a Cylinder
4.7.13Surface Area of a Sphere/Hemisphere
4.7.14Surface Area of a Cone
4.7.15Surface Area of Composite Shapes
4.7.16End of Topic Test - Triangles, Area, & 3D Shapes
5.1Introduction to Probability
5.2Representing Probability
6.1Introduction to Statistics
Jump to other topics
1.1Place Value
1.2Factors & Multiples
1.3.3Multiplication 10,100...
1.3.4Grid Multiplication
1.3.5Division by 10s
1.3.9Rationalise denominator
1.3.10Simplify Surds
1.3.12Inverse Ops
1.3.13Standard Form
1.3.14Addition in Standard Form
1.3.15Subtraction in Standard Form
1.3.16End of Topic Test - Standard Form
1.4Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
1.4.2Mixed & Improper Fractions
1.4.3Write 2 Numbers as Fractions
1.4.4Adding Fractions
1.4.5Subtracting Fractions
1.4.6Multiplying Fractions
1.4.7Dividing Fractions
1.4.8Finding Fractions
1.4.9Improper & Mixed Fractions
1.4.10Decimal Place Value
1.4.11Fraction to Decimal
1.4.12Find Percentage Unitary
1.4.13Fraction to Percentage
1.4.14Percentage to Fraction
1.4.15Percentage to Decimal
1.4.16Decimal to Percentage
1.4.17Percentage using Decimal
1.4.18End of Topic Test - Fractions
1.5Growth & Decay
1.6Measurements & Units
2.1Introduction to Algebra
2.3Solving Equations
2.3.1Solve Linear Equations
2.3.2Words To Equation
2.3.3Solve Linear Equations Graphically
2.3.4Solve Inequality
2.3.5Graphing Inequalities
2.3.6End of Topic Test - Graphs & Equations
2.3.7Simultaneous Equations
2.3.8Simultaneous Equations Graph
2.3.9Quadratic +/-
2.3.10Factorise Quadratics
2.3.11Complete the Square
3Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change
3.1Manipulating Ratios
3.2Ratios in Practice
3.3Percentage & Finance
4Geometry & Measures
4.1Introduction to Geometry
4.2Ruler & Compass Constructions
4.3Perimeter & Area
4.4Triangles, Quadrilaterals & Circles
4.6Triangle Formulae
4.73D Shapes
4.7.1Types of 3D Shape
4.7.2Plans & Elevations
4.7.4Volume of 3D Shapes
4.7.5Volume of a Cuboid
4.7.6Volume of a Cylinder
4.7.7Volume of a Sphere
4.7.8Volume of a Hemisphere
4.7.9Volume of a Cone
4.7.10Volume of a Pyramid
4.7.11Surface Area of a Cuboid
4.7.12Surface Area of a Cylinder
4.7.13Surface Area of a Sphere/Hemisphere
4.7.14Surface Area of a Cone
4.7.15Surface Area of Composite Shapes
4.7.16End of Topic Test - Triangles, Area, & 3D Shapes
5.1Introduction to Probability
5.2Representing Probability
6.1Introduction to Statistics

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