Las Telas
Las Telas
![Illustrative background for Key vocab](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/a4953a66-4922-40a1-a1d6-1be56c2cbe74/cotton-plant,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for Key vocab ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/a4953a66-4922-40a1-a1d6-1be56c2cbe74/cotton-plant,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
Key vocab
Key vocab
- El algodón - cotton.
- La cerámica - pottery.
- El cristal - glass, crystal.
- El cuero - leather.
- La lana - wool.
- La madera - wood.
- El oro - gold.
- Estar hecho, hecha de - to be made of.
![Illustrative background for Key Vocab 2](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/courseImages/physics/1.1.1 Measuring length, volume, etc.../paper-1849364_640-min,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for Key Vocab 2 ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/courseImages/physics/1.1.1 Measuring length, volume, etc.../paper-1849364_640-min,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
Key Vocab 2
Key Vocab 2
- El papel - paper.
- La piel - leather, skin.
- La plata - silver.
- La seda - silk.
- La tela - fabric, material.
- El vidrio - glass.
![Illustrative background for Está hecho de](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/f9318669-4374-418d-a9d1-187786df854a/jumper-cotton,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for Está hecho de ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/f9318669-4374-418d-a9d1-187786df854a/jumper-cotton,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
Está hecho de
Está hecho de
- La sudadera está hecha del algodón.
- The jumper is made out of cotton.
- Mi tela preferida es la lana.
- My favourite fabric is wool.
- El vidrio es muy útil.
- Glass is very useful.
![Illustrative background for Tu tela preferida](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/a7eb5dd5-f6fa-4082-933b-21281a1ed84b/silk-scarf,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for Tu tela preferida ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/a7eb5dd5-f6fa-4082-933b-21281a1ed84b/silk-scarf,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
Tu tela preferida
Tu tela preferida
- ¿Cuál es tu tela favorita?
- What is your favourite fabric?
- Mi tela favorita es la seda porque es muy suave y agradable para la piel.
- My favourite fabric is silk because it is very soft and gentle on the skin.
Estar de Moda - To Be in Fashion
Estar de Moda - To Be in Fashion
![Illustrative background for Key vocab](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/ff98cdc8-5927-42f8-8d40-ea4efb79068b/skirt,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for Key vocab ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/ff98cdc8-5927-42f8-8d40-ea4efb79068b/skirt,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
Key vocab
Key vocab
- Una falda - a skirt.
- Gastar - to spend money.
- El maquillaje - make up.
- Las rebajas - sales.
- La tienda de ropa - clothes shop.
- Los zapatos - shoes.
- Los vaqueros - jeans.
- Una marca - a brand.
- Una rebeca - a cardigan.
- Una bufanda - a scarf.
![Illustrative background for Key vocab 2](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/02cb9c59-bf55-45d2-b031-1439bde3644b/man-shorts,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for Key vocab 2 ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/02cb9c59-bf55-45d2-b031-1439bde3644b/man-shorts,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
Key vocab 2
Key vocab 2
- El pantalón corto - shorts.
- Comprar - to buy.
- El chandal - tracksuit.
- La camisa - shirt.
- La camiseta - t-shirt.
- Los calcetines - socks.
- Un abrigo - coat.
- Un bañador - swimming costume.
- Ir de compras - to go shopping.
![Illustrative background for La moda](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/9bfa3f33-f860-409f-9119-4bf8e21ac9cf/shopping-clothes-bags-fashion,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for La moda ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/9bfa3f33-f860-409f-9119-4bf8e21ac9cf/shopping-clothes-bags-fashion,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
La moda
La moda
- Me encanta la moda, gasto todo mi dinero comprando ropa.
- I love fashion, I spend all my money buying clothes.
- Solo compro la ropa cuando hay las rebajas.
- I only buy clothes when there are sales.
- La moda no me importa mucho, suelo llevar los vaqueros y una camiseta.
- Fashion doesn't matter that much to me, I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt.
![Illustrative background for La personalidad](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/57c77c4b-896b-40c0-8f39-69cf4dfd4df2/fashion-lights-show,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for La personalidad ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-08/57c77c4b-896b-40c0-8f39-69cf4dfd4df2/fashion-lights-show,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
La personalidad
La personalidad
- ¿Qué representa la moda para tí?
- What does fashion mean to you?
- Para mí es una forma de descubrir tu personalidad. ¡Qué mejor manera de expresarte que llevarte puesto lo que quieres decir!.
- For me it is a way of describing your personality. What better way to express yourself than wearing what you want to say!
Just the 'Nada' Bit
Just the 'Nada' Bit
Putting 'no' before a verb makes the phrase negative. 'No hablo inglés' means I don't speak English. 'Nada' is added on to create the meaning of 'nothing' or 'anything'.
![Illustrative background for 'No'](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-09/44e2362e-2687-495c-b437-d066c5a799a3/vegetables-nutrients-food-veg-,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for 'No' ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-09/44e2362e-2687-495c-b437-d066c5a799a3/vegetables-nutrients-food-veg-,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
- Adding 'no' is the most simple way to make a sentence negative in Spanish. The 'no' will usually come before the verb.
- Me gustan las verduras → No me gustan las verduras.
- I like vegetables → I do not like vegetables.
- Me gustan las verduras → No me gustan las verduras.
- 'No' comes after verbs of belief, hope and desire.
- Creo que no.
- I don't think so.
- Creo que no.
- 'Que no' is used in short answers when there is no need to repeat a previous statement.
![Illustrative background for 'No'](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-03/f4bf40d4-7b6d-48ff-874c-dd1fd3b40d64/shutterstock_585640775,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for 'No' ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-03/f4bf40d4-7b6d-48ff-874c-dd1fd3b40d64/shutterstock_585640775,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
- No hago ejercicio.
- I don't do exercise.
- No como carne.
- I don't eat meat.
- No bebemos alcohol.
- We don't drink alcohol.
![Illustrative background for 'No' + 'nada'](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/courseImages/physics/AQA New Modules/8.1.1/dont know,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for 'No' + 'nada' ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/courseImages/physics/AQA New Modules/8.1.1/dont know,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
'No' + 'nada'
'No' + 'nada'
- 'Nada' is used with 'no', in a double negation.
- 'No' comes before the verb and 'nada' comes after.
- No queremos hacer nada.
- We don't want to do anything.
- No queremos hacer nada.
- Occasionally 'nada' is used without 'no', but this is a very formal style.
- Nada justifica el terrorismo.
- Nothing justifies terrorism.
- Nada justifica el terrorismo.
![Illustrative background for 'No' + 'nada'](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-09/17112315-22f3-47dc-abca-914628dba306/cat-dream-sleep-rest-lazy-,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
![Illustrative background for 'No' + 'nada' ?? "content](https://image-v2.cdn.app.senecalearning.com/2018-09/17112315-22f3-47dc-abca-914628dba306/cat-dream-sleep-rest-lazy-,h_400,q_80,w_640.jpg)
'No' + 'nada'
'No' + 'nada'
- No haces nada
- You do nothing.
- No tenemos nada que comer.
- We don't have anything to eat.
- No te gusta nada.
- You like nothing.
1The Basics
2Current & Future Study & Employment
2.1School & Subjects
2.2School & Subjects - Translations
2.3Education Post - 16
3Identity & Culture
3.1Me, My Family & Friends
3.1.2Age & Name
3.1.3Physical Appearance
3.1.6Whose Father? Whose Parents?
3.1.7Family Members
3.1.8Other Family Members
3.1.9Describing Family
3.1.10Describing People
3.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Describing People
3.1.12Exam-Style Questions - Family
3.1.14Exam-Style Questions - Relationships
3.2Me, My Family & Friends - Translations
3.2.1Greetings - Spanish to English
3.2.2Greetings - English to Spanish
3.2.3Greetings - Translations
3.2.4Age & Name - Spanish to English
3.2.5Age & Name - English to Spanish
3.2.6Age & Name - Translations
3.2.7Describing Yourself - Spanish to English
3.2.8Describing Yourself - English to Spanish
3.2.9Describing Yourself - Translations
3.2.10Friends - English to Spanish
3.2.11Friends - Spanish to English
3.2.12Friends - Translations
3.2.13Personality - Spanish to English
3.2.14Personality - English to Spanish
3.2.15Personality - Translations
3.2.16Family - Spanish to English
3.2.17Family - English to Spanish
3.2.18Family - Translations
3.2.19Describing Family - Spanish to English
3.2.20Describing Family - English to Spanish
3.2.21Describing Family - Translations
3.2.22Relationships - Spanish to English
3.2.23Relationships - English to Spanish
3.2.24Relationships - Translations
3.3Technology in Everyday Life
3.4Technology in Everyday Life - Translations
3.5Free Time Activities
3.6Free Time Activities - Translations
3.6.1Music - Spanish to English
3.6.2Music - English to Spanish
3.6.3Music - Translations
3.6.4Cinema & TV - Spanish to English
3.6.5Cinema & TV - English to Spanish
3.6.6Cinema & TV - Translations
3.6.7Food - Spanish to English
3.6.8Food - English to Spanish
3.6.9Food - Translations
3.6.10Meat & Fish - Spanish to English
3.6.11Meat & Fish - English to Spanish
3.6.12Meat & Fish - Translations
3.6.13Fruit & Veg - Spanish to English
3.6.14Fruit & Veg - English to Spanish
3.6.15Fruit & Veg - Translations
3.6.16Drinks & Snacks - Spanish to English
3.6.17Drinks & Snacks - English to Spanish
3.6.18Drinks & Snacks - Translations
3.6.19Eating Out - Spanish to English
3.6.20Eating Out - English to Spanish
3.6.21Eating Out - Translations
3.6.22Sport - Spanish to English
3.6.23Sport- English to Spanish
3.6.24Sport - Translations
3.6.25Fashion - Spanish to English
3.6.26Fashion - English to Spanish
3.6.27Fashion - Translations
3.7Customs & Festivals in Spanish Speaking Countries
3.8Customs & Festivals - Translations
4Areas of Interest
4.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region
4.2Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region - Translations
4.2.1Home - Spanish to English
4.2.2Home - English to Spanish
4.2.3Home - Translations
4.2.4Near Your Home - Spanish to English
4.2.5Near Your Home - English to Spanish
4.2.6Near Your Home - Translations
4.2.7Shops - Spanish to English
4.2.8Shops - English to Spanish
4.2.9Shops - Translations
4.2.10Places in Town - Spanish to English
4.2.11Places in Town - English to Spanish
4.2.12Places in Town - Translations
4.2.13Region & Directions - English to Spanish
4.2.14Region & Directions - Spanish to English
4.2.15Region & Directions - Translations
4.3Social Issues
4.4Social Issues - Translations
4.4.1Charity - English to Spanish
4.4.2Charity - Spanish to English
4.4.3Charity - Translations
4.4.4Body & Illness - Spanish to English
4.4.5Body & Illness - English to Spanish
4.4.6Body & Illness - Translations
4.4.7Healthy Life - Spanish to English
4.4.8Healthy Life - English to Spanish
4.4.9A Healthy Life - Translations
4.5Global Issues
4.6Global Issues - Translations
4.7Travel & Tourism
4.8Travel & Tourism - Translations
4.8.1Holidays - Spanish to English
4.8.2Holidays - English to Spanish
4.8.3Holidays - Translations
4.8.4Booking - Spanish to English
4.8.5Booking - English to Spanish
4.8.6Booking - Translations
4.8.7Tourism - Spanish to English
4.8.8Tourism - English to Spanish
4.8.9Tourism - Translations
4.8.10Weather - Spanish to English
4.8.11Weather - English to Spanish
4.8.12Weather - Translations
5Listening Practice
5.1Me, My Family & Friends - Listening
5.2Technology in Everyday Life - Listening
5.3Free-Time - Listening
5.3.1Music - Listening (All)
5.3.2Music - Listening (Higher)
5.3.3Cinema & TV - Listening (All)
5.3.4Cinema & TV - Listening (Higher)
5.3.5Food & Eating Out - Listening (All)
5.3.6Food & Eating Out - Listening (Higher)
5.3.7Sport - Listening (All)
5.3.8Sport - Listening (Higher)
5.3.9Exam-Style Questions - Sport
5.4Customs & Festivals - Listening
5.5Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region - Listening
5.6Social Issues - Listening
5.7Travel & Tourism - Listening
5.8Education - Listening
6Common Tenses
6.1Present Tense
6.1.1Regular AR Verbs
6.1.25 Common AR Verbs
6.1.3Negative Verbs
6.1.4Irregular AR Verbs
6.1.5Irregular AR Verbs - Exceptions
6.1.6Regular ER Verbs
6.1.75 Common ER Verbs
6.1.8Irregular ER Verbs
6.1.9Irregular ER Verbs - First Person Stem Changes
6.1.10Regular IR Verbs
6.1.115 Common IR Verbs
6.1.12Irregular IR Verbs
6.1.13Irregular IR Verbs - Adding an Accent
6.1.14Irregular IR Verbs - Exceptions
6.1.15Irregular IR Verbs - 'Ir'
6.1.16Irregular IR Verbs - Verbs Ending in '-uir'
6.1.17Verb Phrases
6.1.18The Use of 'Se'
6.2Preterite Tense
6.2.1Regular AR Verbs
6.2.2Irregular AR Verbs
6.2.3Irregular AR Verbs 2
6.2.4Regular ER Verbs
6.2.5Irregular ER Verbs
6.2.6Irregular ER Verbs - Ver & Tener
6.2.7Irregular ER Verbs 2
6.2.8Regular IR Verbs
6.2.9Irregular IR Verbs - Preterite
6.2.10Irregular IR Verbs - Decir, Venir & Ir
6.2.11Irregular IR Verbs 3
6.3Imperfect Tense
6.4Preterite vs Imperfect Tenses
6.5Future Tense
7Important Verbs
7.1To Be - 'Ser' & 'Estar'
7.2To Like - 'Gustar'
7.3To Have - 'Tener'
8Advanced Tenses
8.1The Simple Future
8.2Conditional Tense
8.3Continuous Tenses
8.5Present Subjunctive
8.5.1Present Subjunctive - Regular AR Verbs
8.5.2Present Subjunctive - Regular ER Verbs
8.5.3Present Subjunctive - Regular IR Verbs
8.5.4Present Subjunctive - Irregular AR Verbs
8.5.5Irregular AR Verbs 2
8.5.6Irregular AR Verbs 3
8.5.7Present Subjunctive - Irregular ER Verbs
8.5.8Irregular ER Verbs 2
8.5.9Irregular IR Verbs
8.5.10Irregular IR Verbs 2
8.5.11Irregular IR Verbs 3
8.5.12Present Subjunctive - Uses
8.6Imperfect Subjunctive
9Extra Grammar
9.3.1People & Animals
9.3.2Nouns that Stay the Same
9.3.3Nouns that Only Take One Article
9.3.4Masculine vs Feminine Nouns
9.3.5Masculine Exceptions
9.3.6Feminine Exceptions
9.3.7Noun Endings that Are Usually Feminine
9.3.8Noun Endings that Are Usually Masculine
9.3.9Nouns that End in a Vowel
9.3.10Nouns that End in a Consonant
9.3.11Masculine Nouns
9.3.12Masculine & Feminine Nouns
9.4Asking Questions
9.5.1Adjectives that Change Endings
9.5.2Adjectives that Remain the Same
9.5.3'Grande' & 'Bueno'
9.5.4Plurals Ending in a Consonant (r, l, s, d etc.)
9.5.5Plurals Ending in a Vowel (a, e etc.)
9.5.6The Best, The Worst
9.5.7This, These, That and Those
9.5.8Possession Before a Noun
9.5.9Possession After a Noun
9.9By, With, From, Of
Jump to other topics
1The Basics
2Current & Future Study & Employment
2.1School & Subjects
2.2School & Subjects - Translations
2.3Education Post - 16
3Identity & Culture
3.1Me, My Family & Friends
3.1.2Age & Name
3.1.3Physical Appearance
3.1.6Whose Father? Whose Parents?
3.1.7Family Members
3.1.8Other Family Members
3.1.9Describing Family
3.1.10Describing People
3.1.11Exam-Style Questions - Describing People
3.1.12Exam-Style Questions - Family
3.1.14Exam-Style Questions - Relationships
3.2Me, My Family & Friends - Translations
3.2.1Greetings - Spanish to English
3.2.2Greetings - English to Spanish
3.2.3Greetings - Translations
3.2.4Age & Name - Spanish to English
3.2.5Age & Name - English to Spanish
3.2.6Age & Name - Translations
3.2.7Describing Yourself - Spanish to English
3.2.8Describing Yourself - English to Spanish
3.2.9Describing Yourself - Translations
3.2.10Friends - English to Spanish
3.2.11Friends - Spanish to English
3.2.12Friends - Translations
3.2.13Personality - Spanish to English
3.2.14Personality - English to Spanish
3.2.15Personality - Translations
3.2.16Family - Spanish to English
3.2.17Family - English to Spanish
3.2.18Family - Translations
3.2.19Describing Family - Spanish to English
3.2.20Describing Family - English to Spanish
3.2.21Describing Family - Translations
3.2.22Relationships - Spanish to English
3.2.23Relationships - English to Spanish
3.2.24Relationships - Translations
3.3Technology in Everyday Life
3.4Technology in Everyday Life - Translations
3.5Free Time Activities
3.6Free Time Activities - Translations
3.6.1Music - Spanish to English
3.6.2Music - English to Spanish
3.6.3Music - Translations
3.6.4Cinema & TV - Spanish to English
3.6.5Cinema & TV - English to Spanish
3.6.6Cinema & TV - Translations
3.6.7Food - Spanish to English
3.6.8Food - English to Spanish
3.6.9Food - Translations
3.6.10Meat & Fish - Spanish to English
3.6.11Meat & Fish - English to Spanish
3.6.12Meat & Fish - Translations
3.6.13Fruit & Veg - Spanish to English
3.6.14Fruit & Veg - English to Spanish
3.6.15Fruit & Veg - Translations
3.6.16Drinks & Snacks - Spanish to English
3.6.17Drinks & Snacks - English to Spanish
3.6.18Drinks & Snacks - Translations
3.6.19Eating Out - Spanish to English
3.6.20Eating Out - English to Spanish
3.6.21Eating Out - Translations
3.6.22Sport - Spanish to English
3.6.23Sport- English to Spanish
3.6.24Sport - Translations
3.6.25Fashion - Spanish to English
3.6.26Fashion - English to Spanish
3.6.27Fashion - Translations
3.7Customs & Festivals in Spanish Speaking Countries
3.8Customs & Festivals - Translations
4Areas of Interest
4.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region
4.2Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region - Translations
4.2.1Home - Spanish to English
4.2.2Home - English to Spanish
4.2.3Home - Translations
4.2.4Near Your Home - Spanish to English
4.2.5Near Your Home - English to Spanish
4.2.6Near Your Home - Translations
4.2.7Shops - Spanish to English
4.2.8Shops - English to Spanish
4.2.9Shops - Translations
4.2.10Places in Town - Spanish to English
4.2.11Places in Town - English to Spanish
4.2.12Places in Town - Translations
4.2.13Region & Directions - English to Spanish
4.2.14Region & Directions - Spanish to English
4.2.15Region & Directions - Translations
4.3Social Issues
4.4Social Issues - Translations
4.4.1Charity - English to Spanish
4.4.2Charity - Spanish to English
4.4.3Charity - Translations
4.4.4Body & Illness - Spanish to English
4.4.5Body & Illness - English to Spanish
4.4.6Body & Illness - Translations
4.4.7Healthy Life - Spanish to English
4.4.8Healthy Life - English to Spanish
4.4.9A Healthy Life - Translations
4.5Global Issues
4.6Global Issues - Translations
4.7Travel & Tourism
4.8Travel & Tourism - Translations
4.8.1Holidays - Spanish to English
4.8.2Holidays - English to Spanish
4.8.3Holidays - Translations
4.8.4Booking - Spanish to English
4.8.5Booking - English to Spanish
4.8.6Booking - Translations
4.8.7Tourism - Spanish to English
4.8.8Tourism - English to Spanish
4.8.9Tourism - Translations
4.8.10Weather - Spanish to English
4.8.11Weather - English to Spanish
4.8.12Weather - Translations
5Listening Practice
5.1Me, My Family & Friends - Listening
5.2Technology in Everyday Life - Listening
5.3Free-Time - Listening
5.3.1Music - Listening (All)
5.3.2Music - Listening (Higher)
5.3.3Cinema & TV - Listening (All)
5.3.4Cinema & TV - Listening (Higher)
5.3.5Food & Eating Out - Listening (All)
5.3.6Food & Eating Out - Listening (Higher)
5.3.7Sport - Listening (All)
5.3.8Sport - Listening (Higher)
5.3.9Exam-Style Questions - Sport
5.4Customs & Festivals - Listening
5.5Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region - Listening
5.6Social Issues - Listening
5.7Travel & Tourism - Listening
5.8Education - Listening
6Common Tenses
6.1Present Tense
6.1.1Regular AR Verbs
6.1.25 Common AR Verbs
6.1.3Negative Verbs
6.1.4Irregular AR Verbs
6.1.5Irregular AR Verbs - Exceptions
6.1.6Regular ER Verbs
6.1.75 Common ER Verbs
6.1.8Irregular ER Verbs
6.1.9Irregular ER Verbs - First Person Stem Changes
6.1.10Regular IR Verbs
6.1.115 Common IR Verbs
6.1.12Irregular IR Verbs
6.1.13Irregular IR Verbs - Adding an Accent
6.1.14Irregular IR Verbs - Exceptions
6.1.15Irregular IR Verbs - 'Ir'
6.1.16Irregular IR Verbs - Verbs Ending in '-uir'
6.1.17Verb Phrases
6.1.18The Use of 'Se'
6.2Preterite Tense
6.2.1Regular AR Verbs
6.2.2Irregular AR Verbs
6.2.3Irregular AR Verbs 2
6.2.4Regular ER Verbs
6.2.5Irregular ER Verbs
6.2.6Irregular ER Verbs - Ver & Tener
6.2.7Irregular ER Verbs 2
6.2.8Regular IR Verbs
6.2.9Irregular IR Verbs - Preterite
6.2.10Irregular IR Verbs - Decir, Venir & Ir
6.2.11Irregular IR Verbs 3
6.3Imperfect Tense
6.4Preterite vs Imperfect Tenses
6.5Future Tense
7Important Verbs
7.1To Be - 'Ser' & 'Estar'
7.2To Like - 'Gustar'
7.3To Have - 'Tener'
8Advanced Tenses
8.1The Simple Future
8.2Conditional Tense
8.3Continuous Tenses
8.5Present Subjunctive
8.5.1Present Subjunctive - Regular AR Verbs
8.5.2Present Subjunctive - Regular ER Verbs
8.5.3Present Subjunctive - Regular IR Verbs
8.5.4Present Subjunctive - Irregular AR Verbs
8.5.5Irregular AR Verbs 2
8.5.6Irregular AR Verbs 3
8.5.7Present Subjunctive - Irregular ER Verbs
8.5.8Irregular ER Verbs 2
8.5.9Irregular IR Verbs
8.5.10Irregular IR Verbs 2
8.5.11Irregular IR Verbs 3
8.5.12Present Subjunctive - Uses
8.6Imperfect Subjunctive
9Extra Grammar
9.3.1People & Animals
9.3.2Nouns that Stay the Same
9.3.3Nouns that Only Take One Article
9.3.4Masculine vs Feminine Nouns
9.3.5Masculine Exceptions
9.3.6Feminine Exceptions
9.3.7Noun Endings that Are Usually Feminine
9.3.8Noun Endings that Are Usually Masculine
9.3.9Nouns that End in a Vowel
9.3.10Nouns that End in a Consonant
9.3.11Masculine Nouns
9.3.12Masculine & Feminine Nouns
9.4Asking Questions
9.5.1Adjectives that Change Endings
9.5.2Adjectives that Remain the Same
9.5.3'Grande' & 'Bueno'
9.5.4Plurals Ending in a Consonant (r, l, s, d etc.)
9.5.5Plurals Ending in a Vowel (a, e etc.)
9.5.6The Best, The Worst
9.5.7This, These, That and Those
9.5.8Possession Before a Noun
9.5.9Possession After a Noun
9.9By, With, From, Of
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