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Las Telas

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Key vocab

  • El algodón - cotton.
  • La cerámica - pottery.
  • El cristal - glass, crystal.
  • El cuero - leather.
  • La lana - wool.
  • La madera - wood.
  • El oro - gold.
  • Estar hecho, hecha de - to be made of.
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Key Vocab 2

  • El papel - paper.
  • La piel - leather, skin.
  • La plata - silver.
  • La seda - silk.
  • La tela - fabric, material.
  • El vidrio - glass.
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Está hecho de

  • La sudadera está hecha del algodón.
    • The jumper is made out of cotton.
  • Mi tela preferida es la lana.
    • My favourite fabric is wool.
  • El vidrio es muy útil.
    • Glass is very useful.
Illustrative background for Tu tela preferidaIllustrative background for Tu tela preferida ?? "content

Tu tela preferida

  • ¿Cuál es tu tela favorita?
    • What is your favourite fabric?
  • Mi tela favorita es la seda porque es muy suave y agradable para la piel.
    • My favourite fabric is silk because it is very soft and gentle on the skin.

Estar de Moda - To Be in Fashion

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Key vocab

  • Una falda - a skirt.
  • Gastar - to spend money.
  • El maquillaje - make up.
  • Las rebajas - sales.
  • La tienda de ropa - clothes shop.
  • Los zapatos - shoes.
  • Los vaqueros - jeans.
  • Una marca - a brand.
  • Una rebeca - a cardigan.
  • Una bufanda - a scarf.
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Key vocab 2

  • El pantalón corto - shorts.
  • Comprar - to buy.
  • El chandal - tracksuit.
  • La camisa - shirt.
  • La camiseta - t-shirt.
  • Los calcetines - socks.
  • Un abrigo - coat.
  • Un bañador - swimming costume.
  • Ir de compras - to go shopping.
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La moda

  • Me encanta la moda, gasto todo mi dinero comprando ropa.
    • I love fashion, I spend all my money buying clothes.
  • Solo compro la ropa cuando hay las rebajas.
    • I only buy clothes when there are sales.
  • La moda no me importa mucho, suelo llevar los vaqueros y una camiseta.
    • Fashion doesn't matter that much to me, I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt.
Illustrative background for La personalidadIllustrative background for La personalidad ?? "content

La personalidad

  • ¿Qué representa la moda para tí?
    • What does fashion mean to you?
  • Para mí es una forma de descubrir tu personalidad. ¡Qué mejor manera de expresarte que llevarte puesto lo que quieres decir!.
    • For me it is a way of describing your personality. What better way to express yourself than wearing what you want to say!

Just the 'Nada' Bit

Putting 'no' before a verb makes the phrase negative. 'No hablo inglés' means I don't speak English. 'Nada' is added on to create the meaning of 'nothing' or 'anything'.

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  • Adding 'no' is the most simple way to make a sentence negative in Spanish. The 'no' will usually come before the verb.
    • Me gustan las verduras → No me gustan las verduras.
      • I like vegetables → I do not like vegetables.
  • 'No' comes after verbs of belief, hope and desire.
    • Creo que no.
      • I don't think so.
  • 'Que no' is used in short answers when there is no need to repeat a previous statement.
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  • No hago ejercicio.
    • I don't do exercise.
  • No como carne.
    • I don't eat meat.
  • No bebemos alcohol.
    • We don't drink alcohol.
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'No' + 'nada'

  • 'Nada' is used with 'no', in a double negation.
  • 'No' comes before the verb and 'nada' comes after.
    • No queremos hacer nada.
      • We don't want to do anything.
  • Occasionally 'nada' is used without 'no', but this is a very formal style.
    • Nada justifica el terrorismo.
      • Nothing justifies terrorism.
Illustrative background for 'No' + 'nada'Illustrative background for 'No' + 'nada' ?? "content

'No' + 'nada'

  • No haces nada
    • You do nothing.
  • No tenemos nada que comer.
    • We don't have anything to eat.
  • No te gusta nada.
    • You like nothing.

Jump to other topics

1The Basics

2Current & Future Study & Employment

3Identity & Culture

3.1Me, My Family & Friends

3.2Me, My Family & Friends - Translations

3.3Technology in Everyday Life

3.4Technology in Everyday Life - Translations

3.5Free Time Activities

3.6Free Time Activities - Translations

3.7Customs & Festivals in Spanish Speaking Countries

3.8Customs & Festivals - Translations

4Areas of Interest

4.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region

4.2Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region - Translations

4.3Social Issues

4.4Social Issues - Translations

4.5Global Issues

4.6Global Issues - Translations

4.7Travel & Tourism

4.8Travel & Tourism - Translations

5Listening Practice

6Common Tenses

7Important Verbs

8Advanced Tenses

9Extra Grammar




9.4Asking Questions





9.9By, With, From, Of



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