
Bacterial and Viral Infections

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Bacterial and Viral Infections

Some diseases are caused by bacterial and viruses.

Illustrative background for Diseases spread by bacteriaIllustrative background for Diseases spread by bacteria ?? "content

Diseases spread by bacteria

  • Salmonella is caused by a bacteria that lives in the gut of animals.
  • People can get salmonella from:
    • Eating undercooked food
    • Practising poor hygiene, such as not washing their hands
Illustrative background for Symptoms of salmonellaIllustrative background for Symptoms of salmonella ?? "content

Symptoms of salmonella

  • Symptoms of salmonella include:
    • Diarrhea
    • Severe stomach pain
    • Vomiting
Illustrative background for Recovering from SalmonellaIllustrative background for Recovering from Salmonella ?? "content

Recovering from Salmonella

  • Recovering from a salmonella infection may take over a month.
    • Antibiotics may be required to help fight the infection.
Illustrative background for Diseases spread by virusesIllustrative background for Diseases spread by viruses ?? "content

Diseases spread by viruses

  • Influenza spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
    • That cough or sneeze spreads droplets containing influenza through the air.
    • Someone who breathes in the droplets could become infected.
Illustrative background for Symptoms of influenzaIllustrative background for Symptoms of influenza ?? "content

Symptoms of influenza

  • Symptoms of influenza:
    • High temperatures
    • Headaches
    • Cough
    • Fatigue
    • Diarrhea
Illustrative background for Treatment of InfluenzaIllustrative background for Treatment of Influenza ?? "content

Treatment of Influenza

  • There is no direct treatment for viruses such as influenza.
    • Doctors advise drinking lots of water and resting.

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