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Weber on Power

In society, different groups exercise power and authority. Power may come from government in the form of laws, customs and traditions. Different sociological perspectives view power and authority in varying ways.

Illustrative background for Power Illustrative background for Power  ?? "content


  • Max Weber argued that an individual or group exercises power when they get what they want, despite any opposition.
  • Power is based on either coercion or authority.
Illustrative background for CoercionIllustrative background for Coercion ?? "content


  • Coercion refers to the threat or use of force (including physical violence).
  • People obey an individual or group because they have no choice – they are forced to obey against their will.
Illustrative background for AuthorityIllustrative background for Authority ?? "content


  • Authority is exercised over people when they willingly agree to obey an individual or group because they see it as the right thing to do.
  • Force is unnecessary because people consent to power being exercised over them.

Weber on Authority

Weber identified three types of authority: traditional, rational legal and charismatic.

Illustrative background for Types of authority Illustrative background for Types of authority  ?? "content

Types of authority

  • Weber identified three types of authority:
    • Traditional.
    • Rational legal.
    • Charismatic.
Illustrative background for Power Illustrative background for Power  ?? "content


  • In these three types of authority, people consider the exercise of power as legitimate, such as the power a teacher has over pupils in a classroom.
Illustrative background for Traditional authority Illustrative background for Traditional authority  ?? "content

Traditional authority

  • Traditional authority is based on custom and tradition.
  • In the UK this includes the authority of the monarchy.
Illustrative background for Charismatic authorityIllustrative background for Charismatic authority ?? "content

Charismatic authority

  • With charismatic authority, people obey a leader whom they believe has extraordinary personal qualities that inspire them.

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1The Sociological Approach



4Crime & Deviance

5Social Stratification

6Sociological Research Methods

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