
Social Class & External Factors

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Social Class and External Factors

Social class may have effects on the educational achievement of pupils.

Illustrative background for Cultural capitalIllustrative background for Cultural capital ?? "content

Cultural capital

  • Cultural capital describes the skills, norms, values and knowledge that middle-class parents have and pass on to their children.
    • Cultural capital consists of values that typically indicate a higher social status.
  • This means that middle-class pupils start their education at an advantage in comparison to their working-class counterparts.
Illustrative background for Cultural deprivationIllustrative background for Cultural deprivation ?? "content

Cultural deprivation

  • Cultural deprivation is the lack of cultural capital.
  • Some believe that cultural deprivation is usually experienced by working-class parents.
  • These parents can struggle to provide their children with the communication skills or aspirations that middle-class parents do.
Illustrative background for Cultural deprivation cont.Illustrative background for Cultural deprivation cont. ?? "content

Cultural deprivation cont.

  • This could be because they might not value education.
    • E.g. university does not teach anything useful.
  • They might believe in immediate gratification (experiencing fulfilment without delay).
    • E.g. university is perceived as a delay to them earning money earlier.
Illustrative background for Material deprivationIllustrative background for Material deprivation ?? "content

Material deprivation

  • Material deprivation is the lack of necessary things that are needed for schools due to a lack of money.
    • E.g. stationery, uniform, school trips.
    • There are cases where parents can’t even afford to properly nourish their children.
  • These are likely to lead to underachievement.

Social Class and External Factors

Social class may have effects on the educational achievement of pupils.

Illustrative background for Working class subculturesIllustrative background for Working class subcultures ?? "content

Working class subcultures

  • Working class subcultures might believe education isn’t necessary due to the fact that they might not be educated themselves.
  • This can lead to reduced parental support with homework and a poor work ethic towards gaining qualifications as they don’t think they are of any value to their children.
Illustrative background for Parental attitudesIllustrative background for Parental attitudes ?? "content

Parental attitudes

  • Middle-class parents tend to know the right people in the right places, and they can usually afford almost anything that can lead to a good education.
Illustrative background for Language developmentIllustrative background for Language development ?? "content

Language development

  • Language development is another significant factor that might affect the chances that working-class pupils have as their parents can lack the necessary speech codes that are recognised as important in education.
Illustrative background for BernsteinIllustrative background for Bernstein ?? "content


  • According to Bernstein, middle-class parents use 'elaborated code' (complex sentences, rich vocabulary, correct grammar).
  • Working-class parents tend to use 'restricted code' (simple sentences, poor vocabulary, grammar mistakes).

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