
Informal Social Control

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Informal Social Control

For societies to function properly, there needs to be something in place to regulate people’s behaviour. These social controls can be formal or informal.

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Social control

  • For societies to function properly, there needs to be something in place to regulate people’s behaviour.
  • This can be written or unwritten, but in both cases, people need to abide by these rules/laws to avoid chaos.
  • There are 2 types of social control:
    • Informal.
    • Formal.
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What is informal social control?

  • It is a way through which control is imposed on individuals.
  • This can take the form of rewards or sanctions.
  • Agencies of social control exist to make sure that rules are followed.
Illustrative background for Rewards and sanctions Illustrative background for Rewards and sanctions  ?? "content

Rewards and sanctions

  • Rewards are used to encourage the individual to repeat a certain behaviour.
    • Rewards can take the form of praise or materialistic rewards.
  • Sanctions are used to ensure that undesirable actions won’t be repeated.
    • Sanctions can take the form of teasing or being grounded.
Illustrative background for Agencies of social controlIllustrative background for Agencies of social control ?? "content

Agencies of social control

  • Family:
    • Through primary socialisation ensures that children will know and apply the learnt norms and values of the society.
  • Peer group:
    • It is a form of secondary socialisation as the first peer groups are usually formed into school. For individuals to belong they follow the group’s norms and values.
Illustrative background for Agencies of social control cont.Illustrative background for Agencies of social control cont. ?? "content

Agencies of social control cont.

  • Schools:
    • They are both formal and informal agents of social control as they formally teach the reward and sanction system but also informally by teaching the norms through the hidden curriculum.
Illustrative background for Agencies of social control 3Illustrative background for Agencies of social control 3 ?? "content

Agencies of social control 3

  • Workplace:
    • Provides guidance to staff on how they need to behave. If they don’t comply then sanctions are applied.
  • Religion:
    • Regardless of secularisation, religion still gives guidelines to people about how they need to behave.

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