Key Quotes & Comparisons
Key Quotations in London
Key Quotations in London
Here are key quotations to remember for your exam:

“Chartered street…chartered Thames…”
“Chartered street…chartered Thames…”
- Trapped imagery.
- Something that is chartered is listed and regulated.
- Repetition of “chartered” highlights the extent of government authority: they even have control over rivers, which are usually associated with nature and freedom.

“Marks of weakness, marks of woe”
“Marks of weakness, marks of woe”
- Emotive language.
- The emotive language expresses not only the extent of the suffering but also Blake’s anger at the institutions that fail to help.

“In every cry of every Man / In every Infant’s cry of fear…”
“In every cry of every Man / In every Infant’s cry of fear…”
- Emotive language.
- The emotive language expresses not only the extent of the suffering but also Blake’s anger at the institutions that fail to help.
- Repetition of “every” throughout heightens the sense that the problem is widespread.

“Every black’ning church appalls”
“Every black’ning church appalls”
- Colour imagery.
- “Black’ning church” is associated with ideas of corruption and even death.

“Runs in blood down palace walls”
“Runs in blood down palace walls”
- Metaphor.
- This metaphor emphasises that the monarchy is guilty of living in luxury while doing nothing to help the struggles of the city.
Key Comparisons: London
Key Comparisons: London
Here are some themes that come up in London and other texts:

Human power and the misuse of power
Human power and the misuse of power
- You may want to compare the theme of human power and the misuse of power in London to the following texts:
- My Last Duchess.
- Ozymandias.

Unpleasant and/or powerful experiences
Unpleasant and/or powerful experiences
- You may want to compare the theme of unpleasant and/or powerful experiences in London to the following texts:
- The Prelude.
- Exposure.
- Bayonet Charge.
- Remains.
1Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
2London - William Blake (1757-1827)
3Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney (1939-2013)
3.1Storm on the Island Analysis
4Exposure - Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
5War Photographer - Carol Ann Duffy (born 1955)
5.1War Photographer Analysis
6My Last Duchess - Robert Browning (1812-1889)
7The Prelude - William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
7.1Extract from The Prelude Analysis
8Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Tennyson
9Bayonet Charge - Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
10Poppies - Jane Weir (Born 1963)
11Tissue - Imtiaz Dharker (Born 1954)
12The Emigree - Carol Rumens (Born 1944)
13Kamikaze - Beatrice Garland (Born 1938)
14Checking Out Me History - John Agard (Born 1949)
14.1Checking Out Me History Analysis
15Remains - Simon Armitage (Born 1963)
16Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons
16.1Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons
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1Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
2London - William Blake (1757-1827)
3Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney (1939-2013)
3.1Storm on the Island Analysis
4Exposure - Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
5War Photographer - Carol Ann Duffy (born 1955)
5.1War Photographer Analysis
6My Last Duchess - Robert Browning (1812-1889)
7The Prelude - William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
7.1Extract from The Prelude Analysis
8Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Tennyson
9Bayonet Charge - Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
10Poppies - Jane Weir (Born 1963)
11Tissue - Imtiaz Dharker (Born 1954)
12The Emigree - Carol Rumens (Born 1944)
13Kamikaze - Beatrice Garland (Born 1938)
14Checking Out Me History - John Agard (Born 1949)
14.1Checking Out Me History Analysis
15Remains - Simon Armitage (Born 1963)
16Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons
16.1Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons

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