Summary of Tissue
Summary of Tissue
Tissue is an impressionistic poem by Imtiaz Dharker that comments on the conflicts and troubles of the modern world.

- The speaker looks out at the modern world and makes many comparisons between what she sees and tissue.

Imtiaz Dharker
Imtiaz Dharker
- Dharker was born in Pakistan and raised in Glasgow.
- She writes about issues such as terrorism, identity, freedom, and religion.

The poem
The poem
- “Tissue” is an impressionistic poem (using images and symbols to convey ideas rather than recreating physical reality) and is therefore full of symbolism.
- Some of Dharker’s concepts can be difficult to grasp and her poetry is open to multiple interpretations.
- The poem comes from her collection, “The Terrorist at my Table”, which explores the roots of terrorism and fundamentalism.
Key Ideas in Tissue
Key Ideas in Tissue
Many interpretations of the poem have been suggested. An overarching theme is that paper, or tissue, is a symbol for human life or power.

Importance of paper
Importance of paper
- It explores the importance of paper in our lives (e.g. maps, money, recording history) but remarks how paper is ultimately fragile.

Nature of human power
Nature of human power
- It explores the insignificance and ephemeral (short-lasting) nature of human power when compared to the power of nature.
- It encourages us not to hang on too tightly to power or control because, ultimately, nothing, including humans, are meant to last.

Cause of conflict
Cause of conflict
- There is a suggestion that humans cause their own conflict by assigning power to things that do not warrant it.

Paper symbolism
Paper symbolism
- “Turned into your skin”.
- Paper acting as a metaphor for human life is crystallised here.
1Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
2London - William Blake (1757-1827)
3Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney (1939-2013)
3.1Storm on the Island Analysis
4Exposure - Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
5War Photographer - Carol Ann Duffy (born 1955)
5.1War Photographer Analysis
6My Last Duchess - Robert Browning (1812-1889)
7The Prelude - William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
7.1Extract from The Prelude Analysis
8Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Tennyson
9Bayonet Charge - Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
10Poppies - Jane Weir (Born 1963)
11Tissue - Imtiaz Dharker (Born 1954)
12The Emigree - Carol Rumens (Born 1944)
13Kamikaze - Beatrice Garland (Born 1938)
14Checking Out Me History - John Agard (Born 1949)
14.1Checking Out Me History Analysis
15Remains - Simon Armitage (Born 1963)
16Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons
16.1Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons
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1Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
2London - William Blake (1757-1827)
3Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney (1939-2013)
3.1Storm on the Island Analysis
4Exposure - Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
5War Photographer - Carol Ann Duffy (born 1955)
5.1War Photographer Analysis
6My Last Duchess - Robert Browning (1812-1889)
7The Prelude - William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
7.1Extract from The Prelude Analysis
8Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Tennyson
9Bayonet Charge - Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
10Poppies - Jane Weir (Born 1963)
11Tissue - Imtiaz Dharker (Born 1954)
12The Emigree - Carol Rumens (Born 1944)
13Kamikaze - Beatrice Garland (Born 1938)
14Checking Out Me History - John Agard (Born 1949)
14.1Checking Out Me History Analysis
15Remains - Simon Armitage (Born 1963)
16Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons
16.1Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons

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