
Presentations of the Problems of Evil

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Presentations of the Problem of Evil

The problem of evil is both a logical problem and an evidential problem. Theodicies are attempts to defend the existence of God despite the existence of evil and suffering in the world.

Illustrative background for Evil as a logical problem Illustrative background for Evil as a logical problem  ?? "content

Evil as a logical problem

  • The inconsistent triad is an argument against the concept of an all-powerful and all-loving God while evil persists. It states that these three beliefs cannot exist at the same time.
  • The logical form of the argument states that an all-powerful God would be able to stop evil and suffering and an all-loving God would want to stop evil and suffering. The argument concludes that God cannot have these qualities given the fact that evil and suffering do exist.
Illustrative background for Solving logical problem of evilIllustrative background for Solving logical problem of evil ?? "content

Solving logical problem of evil

  • Some scholars may choose to solve the logical problem of evil by stating that evil serves a good purpose despite the fact it appears to be bad.
  • In addition, some may suggest that God is not totally powerful or not totally loving.
Illustrative background for Evil as an evidential problemIllustrative background for Evil as an evidential problem ?? "content

Evil as an evidential problem

  • This argument states that there is too much evil and suffering in the world for an all-powerful and all-loving God to exist.
  • The extent of evil and suffering throughout human history cannot be explained by the existence of God.
  • Supporters of this argument state that the extent of evil and suffering in the world does not suggest a loving God.

Theodicies that Justify Divine Responses to Evil

Theodicies are attempts to defend the existence of God despite the existence of evil and suffering in the world.

Illustrative background for Augustine: perfection & the FallIllustrative background for Augustine: perfection & the Fall ?? "content

Augustine: perfection & the Fall

  • Augustine believed that evil was not a substance or force.
  • Augustine believed that God created a perfect world which was full of variety and goodness. This variety meant that some things will have more capabilities than others.
  • As angels were created with variety, some received less grace from God and were less able to worship God. This meant that some angels fell into sin as a result of misusing their free will.
Illustrative background for Augustine: Adam & Eve's roleIllustrative background for Augustine: Adam & Eve's role ?? "content

Augustine: Adam & Eve's role

  • Adam and Eve chose to disobey God by misusing their free will. They were tempted to disobey God by a fallen angel.
  • This act of disobedience corrupted the natural world and the human soul. As a result, natural and moral evil entered the world.
Illustrative background for The Irenaean theodicyIllustrative background for The Irenaean theodicy ?? "content

The Irenaean theodicy

  • Irenaeus was a very early Christian. He argued that God allows evil and suffering to exist.
  • Irenaeus argued that humans were made in God’s image but that humans have to grow into the likeness of God.
Illustrative background for The Irenaen theodicy - free willIllustrative background for The Irenaen theodicy - free will ?? "content

The Irenaen theodicy - free will

  • Irenaeus said that free will is an important part of being made in the image of God. Humans have the option to choose to commit evil and suffering. By choosing to be good, humans can develop into a freely chosen, mature relationship with God.
  • Irenaeus argued that evil had to exist in the world in order for us to appreciate goodness.
  • In the afterlife, humans can continue to grow into the likeness of God.
Illustrative background for Hick on the Irenaean theodicyIllustrative background for Hick on the Irenaean theodicy ?? "content

Hick on the Irenaean theodicy

  • Hick argues that evil and suffering is part of God’s plan to help us to grow into a loving, free relationship with God.
  • God keeps himself at an epistemic distance from human beings to ensure that we make free choices and are not forced to do good deeds.
Illustrative background for Hick on moral characterIllustrative background for Hick on moral character ?? "content

Hick on moral character

  • Hick argues that the world exists to shape our moral character. He argues that the world has a ‘vale of soul-making’.
  • By making good moral decisions and learning from suffering, humans can turn to God freely.
  • In the afterlife, our spiritual journey towards God continues and we are able to achieve salvation.

Jump to other topics

1Philosophy of Religion

1.1Ancient Philosophical Influences: Plato

1.2Ancient Philosophical Influences: Aristotle

1.3Ancient Philosophical Influences: Soul, Mind, Body

1.4The Existence of God - Arguments from Observation

1.5The Existence of God - Arguments from Reason

1.6Religious Experience

1.7The Problem of Evil

1.8The Nature & Attributes of God

1.9Religious Language: Negative, Analogical, Symbolic

1.10Religious Language: 20th Century Perspective

2Religion & Ethics

3Developments in Christian Thought

3.1Saint Augustine's Teachings

3.2Death & the Afterlife

3.3Knowledge of God's Existence

3.4The Person of Jesus Christ

3.5Christian Moral Principles

3.6Christian Moral Action

3.7Development - Pluralism & Theology

3.8Development - Pluralism & Society

3.9Gender & Society

3.10Gender & Theology


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