
Reality v Fantasy

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Reality v Fantasy

Death of a Salesman and Richard II both feature protagonists who prefer to live in fantasy but are ultimately confronted by reality.

Illustrative background for _Death of a Salesman_Illustrative background for _Death of a Salesman_ ?? "content

Death of a Salesman

  • As Miller says in the opening stage direction, “an air of the dream” pervades the Loman household and, in Act One, we have seen Willy retreat into fantasy when challenged by reality:
    • “Oh, I’ll knock ‘em dead next week”.
Illustrative background for _Richard II_Illustrative background for _Richard II_ ?? "content

Richard II

  • In Richard II, the King surrounds himself with “flatterers” who only tell him what he wants to hear and, as a result, his reign is littered with mistakes which eventually lead to his own downfall.
Illustrative background for _Richard II_ cont.Illustrative background for _Richard II_ cont. ?? "content

Richard II cont.

  • Likewise, Richard trusts in the divine right of Kings, chosen and anointed by God, to rule:
    • “The breath of worldly men cannot depose / The deputy elected by the Lord."
  • However, reality will intrude upon Richard.

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2Act One

3Act Two

4Extended Passage Analysis

5Character Profiles

6Key Themes

7Writing Techniques

8Historical Context

9Literary Context

10Critical Debates

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