
Pan-Africanism in Nationalism

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Pan-Africanism in Nationalism

Pan-Africanism is a political ideology that sees the interests of all African nations as being intimately related. Pan-Africanism promotes the idea of all indigenous African groups working together to advance their cause.

Illustrative background for The Pan-African FederationIllustrative background for The Pan-African Federation ?? "content

The Pan-African Federation

  • In Britain, in 1944, the Pan-African Federation was founded in Manchester. Their 1945 Congress brought together Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta.
  • This group worked together to bring African people independence and self-determination. The group included Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana) Julius Nyerere (Tanganyika) and Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya).
Illustrative background for Socialist principles Illustrative background for Socialist principles  ?? "content

Socialist principles

  • Pan-Africanism was rooted in socialist principles.
  • Nkrumah was likely overthrown for his association with communism during the Cold War.
  • Nkrumah supported an Africa-wide alliance between the different nations being granted independence in the 1950s and 1960s.
Illustrative background for Historical perspectivesIllustrative background for Historical perspectives ?? "content

Historical perspectives

  • Historian T. Mkandawire (2016) argues that Nkrumah had a “quest for regional integration of the whole of the African continent."
Illustrative background for The Organisation of African UnityIllustrative background for The Organisation of African Unity ?? "content

The Organisation of African Unity

  • The Organisation of African Unity was established in 1963, aiming to maintain the independence and rights of African countries.
  • Ironically, Nkrumah, one of the inspirations behind the movement was removed as the leader of Ghana in 1966.

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