
Popular Attitudes Towards Imperialism

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The National Efficiency Movement

The National Efficiency movement was borne out of public dissatisfaction with Britain’s progress (or lack thereof) during the Second Boer War of 1899-1902.

Illustrative background for DissatisfactionIllustrative background for Dissatisfaction ?? "content


  • The Spectator magazine reported in 1902 there was "a universal outcry for efficiency in all departments of society, in all aspects of life."
  • White (1899) said that the empire needed to be better administered to be on a better footing and well placed to tackle the growing strength of Germany.
Illustrative background for SupportersIllustrative background for Supporters ?? "content


  • In many ways, the National Efficiency movement was politically broad, uniting Conservatives, Unionists, Liberals and Fabians, albeit all wanting the improvements for different reasons.
Illustrative background for Educational advancementsIllustrative background for Educational advancements ?? "content

Educational advancements

  • The historian Searle (1971) argued that educational advances were the most significant element of the National Efficiency movement.
    • They led to the founding of the London School of Economics and the foundation of Imperial College.
Illustrative background for Rudyard Kipling’s *‘The Lesson’*
Illustrative background for Rudyard Kipling’s *‘The Lesson’*
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Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Lesson’

  • This poem was about the Boer War.
  • The final stanza reads: 'It was our fault, and our very great fault--and now we must turn it to use. / We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse. / So the more we work and the less we talk the better results we shall get--/ We have had an Imperial lesson; it may make us an Empire yet!'

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1High Water Mark of the British Empire, 1857-1914

2Imperial Consolidation & Liberal Rule, 1890-1914

3Imperialism Challenged, 1914-1967

4The Wind of Change, 1947-1967

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