
Historical Interpretations: Expansion into Africa

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Historical Interpretations of Expansion into Africa

Different historians emphasise different motivations for the British expansion into Africa from 1890.

Illustrative background for Turning point Illustrative background for Turning point  ?? "content

Turning point

  • British expansion after 1890 moved away from an earlier ad hoc approach.
  • British contemporary John Seeley (b.1834) said of imperial expansion before 1890, ‘we seem, as it were, to have conquered half the world in a fit of absence of mind’.
Illustrative background for John Darwin, _Unfinished Empire_ (2013)  Illustrative background for John Darwin, _Unfinished Empire_ (2013)   ?? "content

John Darwin, Unfinished Empire (2013)

  • Historian John Darwin (2013) argues that the period 1890-1914 is characterised by a ‘pseudo-empire’, a determination to protect the Suez Canal that expanded to the oil regions.
Illustrative background for Lizzie Collingham Illustrative background for Lizzie Collingham  ?? "content

Lizzie Collingham

  • In The Taste of Empire: How Britain’s Quest for Food Shaped the Modern World (2017), historian Lizzie Collingham (2017) argues that the expansion in the turn of the 20th century was rooted in a search for food supplies.

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1High Water Mark of the British Empire, 1857-1914

2Imperial Consolidation & Liberal Rule, 1890-1914

3Imperialism Challenged, 1914-1967

4The Wind of Change, 1947-1967

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