
Uses of To Be

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Uses of 'Ser'

Illustrative background for Describing peopleIllustrative background for Describing people ?? "content

Describing people

  • Theo es alto.
    • Theo is tall.
  • Soy español.
    • I am Spanish.
  • Xavi es futbolista profesional.
    • Xavi is a professional footballer.
Illustrative background for Describing objectsIllustrative background for Describing objects ?? "content

Describing objects

  • La mesa es grande.
    • The table is big.
  • La mesa es de madera.
    • The table is made of wood.
Illustrative background for Describing relationshipsIllustrative background for Describing relationships ?? "content

Describing relationships

  • Charlotte es mi novia.
    • Charlotte is my girlfriend.
  • Guillermo es mi hermano.
    • William is my brother.
  • Somos amigos.
    • We are friends.
Illustrative background for OwnershipIllustrative background for Ownership ?? "content


  • Estos calcetines son míos.
    • These socks are mine.
  • El cuadro es de Velázquez.
    • This painting is by Velázquez.
Illustrative background for Time of dayIllustrative background for Time of day ?? "content

Time of day

  • ¿Qué hora es?
    • What time is it?
  • Es la una.
    • It is one o'clock.
Illustrative background for Day, month, dateIllustrative background for Day, month, date ?? "content

Day, month, date

  • Hoy es viernes.
    • Today, it is Friday.
  • Es el 16 de junio.
    • It is the 16th of June.

Uses of 'Ser'

The verb 'ser' has many different uses.

Illustrative background for How much something costsIllustrative background for How much something costs ?? "content

How much something costs

  • 'Ser' is used when talking about cost.
  • From asking how much something costs.
    • ¿Cuánto es?
      • How much is it?
  • To saying how much it is.
    • Son cien libras.
      • They are 100 pounds.
Illustrative background for 'Ser' with 'para'Illustrative background for 'Ser' with 'para' ?? "content

'Ser' with 'para'

  • When used with 'para', 'ser' is used to show the destination of an object.
  • You use the verb to highlight who the recipient is.
    • Este regalo es para tí.
      • This present is for you.
  • With 'para', 'ser' is also used to show the use of an object.
    • El cuchillo es para cortar el pollo.
      • The knife is to cut the chicken with.
Illustrative background for When something is taking placeIllustrative background for When something is taking place ?? "content

When something is taking place

  • 'Ser' is used to say when an event is taking place.
    • El almuerzo es a las dos.
      • Lunch is at 2 o'clock.
Illustrative background for Followed by an adjectiveIllustrative background for Followed by an adjective ?? "content

Followed by an adjective

  • When 'ser' is followed by an adjective, it is used to show a subjective opinion.
    • Es extraño que...
      • it is strange that...
    • Es evidente que...
      • it is obvious that...

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2You, Family & Home

3School & Jobs

4Town, Shopping, Food, Drink

5Free Time


7The World Around Us

8Present Tense

9Past Tense

10Future Tense



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