
Desertification in Africa

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What are the Causes of Desertification?

Desertification describes land getting drier, less fertile and more like a desert. After desertification, it is harder to grow crops and survive in the ecosystem. The main factors that lead to desertification are:

Illustrative background for Removal of fuel woodIllustrative background for Removal of fuel wood ?? "content

Removal of fuel wood

  • Logging and cutting down trees to burn as fuel means that an area has fewer trees. This means that soil is not bound to tree roots and is more likely to be washed away.
  • Removing fuel wood increases soil erosion.
Illustrative background for OvergrazingIllustrative background for Overgrazing ?? "content


  • If livestock eat every plant on a plot of land, then this can again cause soil erosion.
  • There will be no roots to bind the soil together and plants may struggle to grow again for a very long time.
Illustrative background for Over-cultivationIllustrative background for Over-cultivation ?? "content


  • Fallow years are held because planting crops in the same place over and over again uses up all the soil nutrients.
  • Plants won't be able to grow there in the future and again, soil erosion will happen.
Illustrative background for Population growthIllustrative background for Population growth ?? "content

Population growth

  • Deforestation to build human settlements, expanding livestock grazing grounds and over-cultivation are all side effects of there being more people on Earth.
  • In 1950, the world's population was 2.5 billion people.
  • In 2019, the world's population was 7.7 billion people.
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Climate change

  • Rising temperatures caused by human carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect is likely to lead to more desertification.
  • As temperatures rise and rainfall falls, naturally, more places will become desert-like.
  • The American Mid-West and Southern European countries could be at risk of this by 2100 if temperatures keep rising.
Illustrative background for Soil erosionIllustrative background for Soil erosion ?? "content

Soil erosion

  • A lack of plants in the ground means that exposed soil and nutrients are more easily blown away.
  • Soil erosion reduces the fertility of land and will reduce the efficiency of food production, causing problems for many countries.


Desertification is when land becomes drier and loses productivity. There are several different causes of desertification.

Illustrative background for Removal of fuel woodIllustrative background for Removal of fuel wood ?? "content

Removal of fuel wood

  • People in dry areas use wood for fuel.
  • By removing wood, soils are more exposed and so soil erosion increases.
Illustrative background for OvergrazingIllustrative background for Overgrazing ?? "content


  • If there are too many livestock grazing in an area, plants can't grow fast enough to keep up with the rate of consumption.
  • The plants will stop holding the soil together and so soil erosion increases.
  • Another way in which animals increase soil erosion is by trampling.
Illustrative background for Over-cultivationIllustrative background for Over-cultivation ?? "content


  • Continued planting of crops in the same place leads to soil nutrients running out.
  • Eventually, crops will not be able to survive in these areas. Without these plants to hold the soil together, soil erosion will increase.
Illustrative background for Population growthIllustrative background for Population growth ?? "content

Population growth

  • Pressure on the land increases when populations grow.
    • This leads to more removal of fuelwood, overgrazing and over-cultivation, along with all the associated side effects.
Illustrative background for Climate changeIllustrative background for Climate change ?? "content

Climate change

  • Temperatures are expected to increase globally in the coming decades. Higher temperatures mean increased evaporation, and increased evaporation means drier soils and more plant death.
  • Rainfall is expected to decrease in already dry areas. Less rain means more plants will die because of a lack of water, and fewer plants mean more soil erosion because there are fewer roots holding the soil together.
Illustrative background for Soil erosionIllustrative background for Soil erosion ?? "content

Soil erosion

  • Exposed soil and the nutrients within are removed by water and wind.
  • The loss of nutrients reduces the productivity of the soil until eventually, the ground becomes more and more desert-like.

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