
The Impacts of Migration

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Impacts of Migration

Migration has consequences for the source countries and the host countries.

Illustrative background for Impact on countries of origin: PositiveIllustrative background for Impact on countries of origin: Positive ?? "content

Impact on countries of origin: Positive

  • Unemployment may decrease.
  • If the migrants return after a few years, they may bring money and skills back with them.
  • There may be better life chances for young migrants.
Illustrative background for Impact on countries of origin: NegativeIllustrative background for Impact on countries of origin: Negative ?? "content

Impact on countries of origin: Negative

  • Economic hardship may come about because of the loss of young workers.
  • Losing highly trained or skilled people, in particular health workers, can create problems for the countries of origin (brain drain).
  • There may not be enough people left to farm the land (food shortage).
  • Migration may cause social problems for children who are raised without parents.
Illustrative background for Impact of migration on countries of destination: PositiveIllustrative background for Impact of migration on countries of destination: Positive ?? "content

Impact of migration on countries of destination: Positive

  • Migration leads to greater cultural diversity (more cultures sharing a home).
  • Economic growth (better standard of living) keeps going, even if the population is ageing.
  • There is the advantage of “brain gain” (increase in highly trained foreign-born professionals).
  • Job vacancies and skill gaps are removed.
  • The pension gap can be solved by new workers paying taxes.
Illustrative background for Impact of migration on countries of destination: NegativeIllustrative background for Impact of migration on countries of destination: Negative ?? "content

Impact of migration on countries of destination: Negative

  • Lower wages may be offered.
  • Migrants may be forced to do the DDD jobs (dirty, dangerous and degrading) to make a living.
  • Public services like schools and hospitals may not be able to cope with the increase in population size.
  • If migration cannot be controlled, unemployment may increase.
  • There may be integration (mixing in), language or racism problems between the local people and the migrants.
Illustrative background for Impact of migration on migrants: PositiveIllustrative background for Impact of migration on migrants: Positive ?? "content

Impact of migration on migrants: Positive

  • There may be the opportunity of better pay for migrants.
  • There may be a better choice of jobs.
  • There may be better opportunities to improve skills, training or education.
  • Migrants may be able to make sure that family members still living in the country of origin are looked after financially.
  • Migrants may be able to learn new languages.
Illustrative background for Impact of migration on migrants: NegativeIllustrative background for Impact of migration on migrants: Negative ?? "content

Impact of migration on migrants: Negative

  • Migrants may suffer from loneliness or racist abuse.
  • The journey for migrants is sometimes very expensive and very dangerous.
  • Migrants may be forced to do the DDD jobs (dirty, dangerous and degrading) to make a living.

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