
Sum to Infinity of a Geometric Series

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Sum to Infinity of a Geometric Series

We can often find the sum of the terms of an infinite geometric sequence rather than the sum of only the first nn terms.

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Infinite series

  • An infinite series is the sum of the terms of an infinite sequence.
  • For example, 2+4+8+16+...2+4+8+16+... is an infinite series, as is indicated by the "+...+...".
  • In sigma notation, k=12k\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}2^k is an infinite series as the upper limit of kk is infinity.
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  • If the terms of a geometric series increase, then as the number of terms in the series increases to infinity, the value of the sum will also increase to infinity.
    • We say that this series is divergent.
  • The value of the sum diverges away from being a fixed, known value.
  • All non-zero arithmetic series are divergent.
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  • If the terms of a geometric series decrease, then as the number of terms in the series increases to infinity, the value of the sum gets closer and closer to a fixed value.
    • We say that this series is convergent.
  • The value of the infinite sum has a fixed value that we can find.
  • The more finite terms we have in the series, the closer the sum will be to that fixed value.
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Common ratio

  • We can determine if a sequence is convergent by looking at the common ratio of the sequence, rr:
    • A sequence is convergent if r<1|r|<1.
  • We can also write this as 1<r<1-1<r<1.
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Sum to infinity

  • The sum of the first nn terms of a geometric series is Sn=a(1rn)1rS_n = \frac{\small a(1-r^n)}{\small 1-r}.
  • If r<1|r|<1, then as nn gets larger, the term rnr^n gets smaller.
    • This means for n=n=\infty, rn=0r^n=0.
  • The sum to infinity of a geometric series is equal to:
    • S=a1rS_{\infty} = \frac{a}{1-r}
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  • Determine whether the infinite geometric series with a=27a=27 and r=13r=\frac{1}{3} is a divergent or convergent series.
    • Find the sum of the infinite series if it is convergent.
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Common ratio

  • If the infinite series is convergent, then r<1|r|<1.
  • Substituting in r=13r=\frac{1}{3}, we can see that:
    • 13<1\left|\frac{1}{3}\right|<1
  • So the infinite series is convergent and we can find the sum.
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Find the sum

  • The sum of a convergent infinite series is given by:
    • S=a1rS_{\infty}=\frac{\small a}{\small 1-r}
  • Substituting in a=27a = 27 and r=13r=\frac{1}{3}, we get:
    • S=27113=2723=40.5S_{\infty}=\frac{27}{\small 1-\frac{1}{3}}=\frac{27}{\small \frac{2}{3}} = 40.5

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